Party don't start till I walk in

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This is the song that you sing later in the chapter. ^
Time skip to lunch brought to you by Ukobach. He can cook. Yay.

"Rin, what was going on? Who was he?" You were concerned. Rin had sprouted blue flames in front of Shirotari. "Nothing. Just stay away from that bastard." Rin said coldly as Shiemi came to sit down for lunch.

"Hi, Rin! Hi, (Y/N)!<3" the blonde haired girl greeted you kindly with a warm smile. Nee was sitting on her boxed lunch as usual. "Hey Shiemi." You greeted back, not as bubbly as normal. "Are you okay Rin? Your being kind of quiet. And usually I'm the quiet one!" Shiemi joked. Rin was being a little quiet. "Nothing, he's just pissed at another guy for hitting on me." You answered for a cross-armed Rin as Bon and his crew came over. "Hey Moriyama. Your early today. Couldn't wait to see me?" Shima attempted to make conversion and flirt with Shiemi PER USUAL! Bon rubbed his temples (no pun intended) in embarrassment at Shima's poor skills.

"So (Y/N), I got asked to go to a party on Saturday. Do you wanna come with me?" Shiemi asked you sweetly. "Depends. Who asked you to go? " Rin asked suspiciously, being over protective of you.
"Oh, Shima did." The blonde said as the pink haired perv waved. "Rin, you don't need to be so protective of me. I'm not the Koma sword." You said to your boyfriend, attempting to get him to loosen up. "Well, it's understandable why he would. " Shiemi said while looking at your stitched leg. "It's going to be fine Rin. If your so nervous, come with us!" You said, again trying to stop Rin from worrying. "Maybe I will. Just so that Bastard doesn't lay his hands on you." Rin mumbled the second half but you still heard him. "All right. We'll see you there Shiemi? " you asked "Oh, Yeah! I can't wait to go!" She replied with a smile and with Nee to match it.

Time skip brought to you by Rob Schneider. Why? Because fuck you, I'm Batman.

You were getting dressed to go to Shirotari's party. You put on a black dress and black sandals. You wore a gold necklace and earings. To complete the look, blood red lipstick. Izumo was sitting on the couch (if you haven't read volume 11 of the manga, then Izumos dorm is ALOT bigger than Rin and Yukios) reading the newest edition of her favorite manga 'Kimi Monogatari.' when she noticed you dressed fancy. "Are you seriously going on another date? It's only been about 3 week's since your last one!" She exclaimed, eyes widening at the sight. "I got asked out to sing at someone's party but Rin us picking me up." You explained to her. "Figures. You two do everything together now that your official." Izumo teased as she dove her nose into her book. "Oh, shut up eyebrows." You taunted back. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!?!?" she yelled as there was a knock at the door. 'Rin!' You thought to yourself as you opened the door. Rin was standing there looking slightly embarrassed as the door creaked open. You guessed that the reason was probably because he was wearing a tuxedo. He never dressed formally for anything. Sure, he still had The Koma Sword on him, but still. "You look amazing." He said as his blushing lightened. "Thanks." You began to blush as his face went white again. You grabbed his hand, as you walked out the door.

You arrived at Shirotari's mansion about fifteen minutes later. Cars were lined all the way down the street, music was blaring and lights were flashing all over. You and Rin walked up to the doorstep. You knocked on the door when Shirotari answered. "(Y/N). Glad you could make it. C'mon in." He said opening the door for you and Rin to enter. You glanced at Rin to see him glaring at Shirotari. "How long are we gonna be here?" Rin asked impatiently. "Just fifteen minutes. He just wants me to perform some songs." You explained. Rin obviously didn't want to be there. He even said, he only went to protect you. "Alright. We have a very special guest here tonight. She is an amazing girl and she has cone to sing for you tonight. Please welcome, (Y/N) (L/N)." You heard Shirotari's voice Come out from the speakers. You blushed as a spotlight draped over you like moonlight in a pond as people moved out of the way for you to walk up to the stage. You took the microphone from Shirotari as music began to play. You knew this song. I will not bow by Breaking Benjamin. You became lost from reality as the music began seeping into your head, and you began to recite the lyrics.
Now the dark begins to rise.
Save your breath, it's far from over. Leave the lost and dead behind. Now's your chance to run for cover. I don't want to change the world. All is lost again. But I'm not giving in. I will not bow. I will not break. I will shut the world away.
After a few more verses, the song ended. You blushed again as you got off the stage. Your happiness faded into nervousness when you realised that Rin was nowhere in sight! "Rin? Rin, where are you?!?" You called out as you were swarmed by men who attempted to hit on you. You quickly realized they were drunk. You attempted to squirm your way out of the crowd. When you thought you were home-free, a drunk man grabbed your wrist. "Where do you think you're going, hot stuff?" The man said as he tried to stop you. Shirotari appeared behind him and slapped him, causing the man to let you go. "Don't you know it's rude to stop a lady from leaving?" He scolded the drunk as he covered his face with his hand where Shirotari had slapped him. "Shirotari! Have you seen Rin? I can't find him!" You asked with fear showing slightly in your voice. "Actually, I do. Follow me." Shirotari said as he grabbed your hand and walked you away into another room.

Shirotari led you into another room away from the crowd. He closed the door as you realized where you were. Shirotari's bedroom. "Um. I don't think Rin would be in here. Thanks anyway though!" You said as you turned to see that Shirotari had LOCKED the door! You remembered this from earlier in the month. When Yukio tried to talk to you and pulled a similar move. 'Maybe that's it.' You thought. No. It wasn't. You realized why Rin hated Shirotari so much. You remembered why he looked so familiar. He was possessed. Your nervousness accelerated quickly to fear as Shirotari took off his shirt. "Why would you go for a monster like Okumura when you could have someone like me?" He asked as he made his way over to you. You were backing up away from him as your worst thoughts caught up to you. 'Oh my god..he's gonna rape me!!' You thought as your back hit the wall. The white haired boy put his hand down your dress till he hit your bra. "STOP IT!!!!!" You cried out as you punched his lower jaw. He flew across the room as a dropped of blood spilled onto your cheek. "Ooh itt ore..... ooh roke I aw!!!" (You little whore you broke my jaw) he exclaimed as he snapped his jaw back into place. Pop! The sound drove a shiver down your spine as he retaliated with a blow to your eye. "Please! Shirotari, your drunk!!" You pleaded for him to stop. "Being shitfaced has nothing to do with this, or what I'm gonna do to you." He whispered in your ear as he got back up and stomped on your back! You screamed in agony and pain as you saw the door break down as Rin stood there in blue flames. "H-help." You managed to say with all your energy. You saw as Rin tackled Shirotari before it all went black.

You awoke the next day in your dorm. Rin, Yukio, Shiemi and Izumo were sitting in chairs as they saw your eyes open. "Good morning (Y/N). I hope you're feeling better. You sure took a pounding last night." Yukio said, as a sharp pain took hold of your eye. You remembered last night. What Shirotari planned to do to you. You looked over at Rin. "Did he..?" "No, he didn't rape you." Rin interrupted before you could even finish asking the question. "You were lucky too. If Shirotari had kept stomping on your back, he would've broke it. It's bruised to the bone and you have a black eye. They should clear up in a matter of weeks but if you want, you can start school again next week." Yukio informed you. You were relieved. At least nothing bad happened to You. Rin on the other hand, will leave you pissed.

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