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Why was Rin staring at me? You wondered. Oh well, it probably meant nothing.

You and Izumo were walking to lunch when she snapped you out of your thoughts. "(Y/N)! Hello? Anyone in there?" She questioned. "Oh! Um, sorry. What were you saying?" You asked, regaining your senses. "I said I was going to introduce you to the group." She replied. "Oh uh, sure!" You returned with a smile. Then you thought, why is Izumo being so nice to me? Is it one of those vibe things? A good feeling about me maybe? You figured you shouldn't worry about it.

You and Izumo arrived at the table where the others sat. "Guys, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She's new here. I figured she could sit here with us." She informed the others. "Hi." You said, slightly nervous.

After everyone introduced themselves, everyone decided to learn more about you. What's your favorite color? What's your favorite thing about True Cross? What's your favorite thing about me? (From Shima) It was soon after that Yukio pulled everyone for something 'extremely important' .

"There has been a siren spotted in True Cross Town." (Yes that's a thing. In the manga and anime. True Cross Town. Just saying cause some people got confuckled and some Dont know about TCT soo) "Uh, what's a siren?" Rin asked his brother. "I know what it is." You said, standing up. " A siren is a creature that looks like or possesses a beautiful girl and has a singing voice that can control minds." You said. Rin looked at you shocked. "H-how did you know that?!?" He exclaimed. You gave a small giggle. "Its a Greek myth my mother told me when I was little. The story was what inspired to start singing in fact. " You told him.

"It has been seen controlling people's minds causing them to commit suicide. It's the type that possesses people, so it can be exercised. I must warn you. It comes after sparkling objects such as silver. So if any of you are wearing jewelry, I'd suggest you take it off." He told you.

You remembered Crystal's cove. Mephisto had told you to never leave it anywhere. You hid the gem under your top.

(Rin Okumura x Reader) A Demon's WishWhere stories live. Discover now