The perfect day...ruined

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As you entered the amusement park, the sound of laughter, screams and talking entered your ears. Caramel corn, cotton candy and sodas was the only thing you could smell. The carnival was to be your favorite place in the world. "So where do you wanna hit up first?" Rin asked you. You loved going on rides, especially roller coasters. And MepphyLand had a giant one. "You afraid of roller coasters?" You asked him. "No way. But the last time I saw one, I nearly blew it up. " he replied. You giggled. The scene from the anime where Rin is fighting Amaimon was one of your favorites. "Okay. Don't chicken out on me, alright?" You teased. Rin smiled. "Ha! I won't even scream." He protested.

He screamed. A lot. You were laughing so hard, you nearly fell off the ride. "I didn't know there would be a loop!" Rin exclaimed. "Yeah ,hehe I didn't see it either, but it was still fun!" You managed to choke out in between giggles, almost at the verge of falling over. Rin blushed. You could tell he was embarrassed. "Its okay. I put out a shriek at that part too. Its okay to be scared sometimes." You said to the blushing demon. You noticed his tail was hanging out. You had an idea to cheer him up.

You grabbed his tail and put the fluffy part over your lip while making a duck face, pretending it was a moustache. "Hey, what are you-" He stopped when he saw your face. He let out a soft laugh. You felt a smile creep its way onto your face too. You released his tail. Your smile quickly faded. "Oh shit! I forgot my phone at the ride! I'll be right back." You said. "Okay. I'll be waiting at the bumper cars alright?" He asked. "I'll meet you there!" You called back. You started running off towards the roller coaster. You found your phone, but when you picked it up, someone took it and ran off!

"HEY! STOP!" you called after the theif, sprinting after him. He lead you behind the control room for the rides. You thought you had cornered him when suddenly...he disappeared. Looking around, you shouted out. "HEY! SHOW YOURSELF YOU COWARD!" Shortly after you heard a voice. "My,my. So this is the girl younger brother is interested in? She seems so weak." The robber said. You began to put the pieces together.

'Younger brother? Suddenly disappearing from sight? It can't be... ' you thought. Alas, you were right. You looked up. Pointed green hair, a lollipop and an impaled looking cloak. Amaimon. He dug his nails into your neck and you lost consciousness.

~Rin's POV~ (Yay!)

'(Y/N) hasn't been back for fifteen minutes now. Is she okay?' I thought to myself. The worst thoughts filled my mind. Was she hurt? Was she kidnapped? Was someone else hitting on her? Woah. What? Did I really just think that? I knew I thought (Y/N) was beautiful, but I had just admitted that I had feelings for her. I couldn't stand these thoughts anymore. I ran off to look for her. I was about to call her phone, when suddenly I saw someone jump onto the roof of a shop, holding something. I didn't need anymore evidence who it was and what he was carrying. Amaimon had kidnapped my crush.

(Rin Okumura x Reader) A Demon's WishWhere stories live. Discover now