Chapter 7 - It had to be him...

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Chapter 7 - It had to be him...

Before I knew it, my first week in the care home had passed, and it had been good.

I'd started to be able to navigate around the house, and I had got to know the kids better.

Chloe had become the little sister I never had, and wherever I went, she went. In a way, she was helping me with the loss of my sister, without even knowing it, because I hadn't told anyone about my past, but she was starting to fill that gaping hole where my family should be, in her own, adorable way.

I'd also become really close friends with Louis. And by that, I mean friends. I had never thought it was possible for a girl and a guy to be close friends and nothing more, but it turned out it was. Louis just got me, and I got him. He was also more supportive of me than some of the other kids, and always seemed to come to the rescue when I was lost.

However, it wasn't all good. I had discovered that my first impressions of Anthony were right. He was hot, but he was a stuck up snob, and he irritated me greatly. I'd never had time for snobs, so I had been trying my best to convince my heart and my silly emotions that I shouldn't like him in that way.

And, for some reason, Harriet, the oldest in the house, had seemed to have developed a dislike for me. These things happened, I guess.

It was a bright Tuesday when I first got the opportunity to make some music in that home.

As soon she heard that a temperature of 22 degrees C had been forecast, Julie had run around in a wild frenzy, organising a barbecue, and ushering everyone outside to enjoy the rare British sunshine.

The sun was shimmering down on us, casting shadows as it shone through the big trees in the garden, and the little kids were chasing Ben around, with a hose, for a reason I wasn't quite sure of.

Having decided that I wanted to stay dry today, rather than join in with the play fight, I was helping Julie to make the food with Louis and Anthony.

I'm not even kidding, we were the dream team when it came to making burgers, with a super efficient conveyor belt of burgers up and running. Anthony cut the rolls, Louis stuck a burger in from the pile Julie was creating with her barbecue, and I squirted ketchup on the burger before closing it and adding it to the platter at the end of the table.

It was working so well, until Ben decided that the best way to get rid of the kids chasing him was to fight water with ketchup, and threaten them with being blasted by the sticky red sauce, consequently meaning he snatched the bottle from me, before quickly using up the lot.

"Ben!" I moaned, throwing the empty bottle that he had the cheek to return to me straight back at him.

Dodging it carefully, Ben shot me one of the most hideous innocent faces I've ever seen, before muttering, "Wasn't me!"

I did try to remain a strong woman and not give in to his attempt at earning forgiveness, trying to keep a serious face, and push down my giggles at his facial expression.

I failed though. Badly.

Julie just laughed softly, before turning to me and saying, "There is another bottle in one of the cupboards in the kitchen."

Rolling my eyes at Ben, I walked back to the house. Of course it was me who had to go get the next bottle.... I made a mental note to put something really spicy in his burger....

Reaching the cupboards, I started to rummage around, looking for the red ketchup bottle. While looking, I found a bottle of 'extra hot chili sauce', which I slipped into my pocket for my revenge plan, before continuing to rummage around.

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