Chapter 28 - Barmy Bowling

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Chapter 28 - Barmy Bowling

"Pens down please!!!" The teacher boomed at the front of the exam hall.

I let out a sigh of relief as my final mock exam ended, and I couldn't help but smile at the teacher as he collected my paper, much to his confusion.

As soon as we were dismissed from the exam hall, I got up, grabbed my pencil case and my water and hurried out of the room, to my locker to grab my bag, before heading out to the tree.

I was the only one of my group of friends taking that exam so the others were already waiting under the tree, messing around with each other.

As soon as Hazel saw me, she bounced over to me and wrapped me in a huge hug.

"How was biology?" She mumbled in my ear, squeezing the air out of me.

"Great," I replied, peeling her off of me.

"Ready to go?" Kevin asked from next to Anthony.

I nodded slowly, and we headed off in the direction of town and the bowling alley.


I looked down at the hideous shoes I had just put on my feet.

I swear, making people wear bowling shoes is just an excuse to get people to wear the ugliest shoes possible...

Suddenly, whilst admiring the ugliness of my clown shoes, I felt a hand grab mine and drag me towards a bowling alley, and by the tingles in my body, I presumed it was Anthony's hand.

"Ready?" He mumbled.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." I replied, looking over at the guys sitting on the sofa area for the bowling alley we had booked.

"Great, because you're the first player!"

I gave him a suitable death glare before walking over to the ball rack and finding one that I could actually lift. I decided on a green one, then looked over to Anthony.

"So.... What do I do?" I asked, feeling a bit stupid.

"You throw it down the alley and hit down as many pins as you can at the end." He smiled encouragingly at me.

I nodded slowly, then started to bring the ball up over my shoulder to throw it.

"Oh, no! Hang on! You don't throw it like that!" Anthony burst out seeing what I was doing.

"You do an underarm throw. Like this." Before I knew it, one of his arms was wrapped around my waist, the other was against mine, holding my hand onto the ball, his front pressed against my back.

It was all I could do not to fall over from the effect it had on me!

He slowly moved us together and showed me how to throw correctly, releasing the bowling ball so it went dead straight down the middle, knocking all but one of the pins down.

I couldn't help but notice that, despite having released the ball some time ago, he hasn't moved away from me...

I wasn't complaining though!

I quickly clapped my hands in excitement, before spinning round and giving him a quick hug.

He went stiff at first, but quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me a little closer.

It felt amazing to have him so close, his warm body pressing against mine sending tingles buzzing through me. I wasn't pulled out of that trance like state until I heard laughter from behind us, and a wolf whistle, courtesy of Kevin.

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