Chapter 30 - Flower Frenzy

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Chapter 30 - Flower Frenzy

I groaned as my alarm clock pierced through my dreams, dragging me out of sleep.

I've never enjoyed getting up.

I started slapping the bedside table, in the hope that the annoying noise would stop.

After a while, it did, and I sighed, rolling back over in my bed.

Then I remembered what day it was.

And I let out an even bigger groan.

Valentine's Day...

And my friends would inevitably be on hyperactive matching mode.

All the more reason not to get up.

But I'm not a bunker. So, I peeled the blankets off of me, and heaved myself to my feet.

I can't deny that I spent a long time thinking about my outfit and trying on different variations, ruling different items out due to revealing too much, making me look fat, being too small and so on.

I also can't deny that I was trying to pick an outfit that Anthony would like... I can always try, even if I knew I didn't have a chance.

After about 10 minutes I was dressed in a black dress with little hearts on it that hugged my figure, a white chunky cardigan and some pumps, and I headed down to the kitchen for breakfast.

I was a bit later than usual after my clothes dilemma, so almost everyone was there, except Anthony, who never really bothered with breakfast, and Jake, who wasn't very well so was still in bed.

"Morning," I mumbled as I entered the room and wandered over to the toaster, slipping 2 slices of bread from the open bag lying on the side into the machine.

All I received in reply was a few giggles.

I groaned at that.

Today was obviously a groaning day.

"I give in," I said, throwing my hands up in the air. "Why does everyone just laugh at me?"

"Because you're stupid," Peter replied, shoving another spoon of his cereal into his mouth.

"Gee, thanks," I mumbled, sticking out my tongue at him, before whipping the Nutella away from him, getting my toast and sitting down.

It's a mature day too...

"Sylvieeeeee," said Chloe, and I looked into her excited eyes. "I made you this at school!"

She then produced a glitter covered piece of pink card, which I presumed was her version of a Valentine's card.

I giggled a little, before opening it, and ignoring the torrent of glitter pouring off my card onto my hand. Inside, she had written in scruffy hand writing:

'To Sylvia,

Love you!


I couldn't stop smiling at that, and I wrapped the little girl in a hug.

"Thanks so much Chloe! It's beautiful!" She giggled happily, warming my heart.

I stood up the card in front of me, and was just about to take a bite of my toast, when Anthony appeared in the doorway.

I took a moment to admire just how good he looked in a white shirt that accented his muscles and a pair of chinos, before looking into his eyes.

"Morning," I said slowly, before biting off a bit of toast.

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