Chapter 27 - Painting lessons

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Chapter 27 - Painting lessons

The weeks at the home flew by and before I knew it, we were in a new year.

However, unfortunately for me, Anthony, Louis and Harriet, that meant it was that enjoyable time of the year when we had mock exams in preparation for the summer. Oh joy.

For a good 2 weeks I was either at school doing exams or I was locked away in my room revising my head off.

Needless to say, I was pretty happy on the last evening of revision with only one more exam to face before freedom.

It was one of the easiest exams too, so I wasn't particularly applied to my work.

Instead, I was getting out a blank canvas to start painting, as I was aware that it was Chloe's birthday next week, and I needed something to give her.

I started to sketch a rough outline from a picture I had of me and her together with a border of hearts and flowers.

"Working on another masterpiece, I see!" I nearly screamed at the sudden voice, and I spun round quickly to see no other than Anthony standing behind me with a smirk slapped on his face.

"What is it with you and scaring the life out of me?" I mumbled, turning back to the canvas and continuing to sketch.

"It's skill," he replied, chuckling a bit.

As much as I tried to be annoyed at him, that laugh was just impossible to be angry at.

"What do you want?" I asked slowly, adding the fine detail to the faces.

"Well," he mumbled, "After the last exams tomorrow, the boys and I were planning to go bowling, you know, as a celebration kinda thing. Would you and the girls wanna come?"

I smiled softly to myself. Anthony really was trying hard to help me settle in with his friends.

"I'd love to," I replied slowly. "But I've never tried bowling before. I don't want to look stupid or annoy you guys."

Not that I hadn't already looked stupid in front of them....

But wouldn't someone who couldn't bowl be a bit of a burden?

"Don't be stupid! I'll teach you," Anthony replied, walking round behind my canvas so I was facing him. I drew one last line before sighing.

I wasn't exactly going to turn him down, was I.

"Fine, I'll come. On one condition," I said slowly, looking up to meet his twinkling eyes. "I get to teach you something else that you can't do, so I don't feel quite so stupid."

A grin slowly spread across his face, making my heart leap. Funny how such a simple thing could do that to me.

"How about you teach me to paint?" He suggested, looking down at the canvas I had just finished drawing on.

I nodded slowly, before moving over to the corner and grabbing him a piece of paper, a board to put in the easel, a pencil and a brush.

"Ok then," I murmured to myself, setting up his equipment. "What do you want to paint?"

He just shrugged, in that hopeless way guys do.

I wracked my brain for something he could do.

"Hey, you could paint something for Sophie, and give it to her?"

I saw his face drop at that. Was the idea really that cheesy?

"Yeah....." He said slowly. "I guess it is Valentine's day next week."

I did a double take at that. Was it? I'd completely forgotten about it due to the exams.

Not that it was important anyway, I had never had a Valentine's card.

"That's a great idea!" I said through gritted teeth.

Then I shook myself. He likes her, I should be happy for him.

"Let me draw you an outline then you can paint it," I suggested, moving over to his easel.

I then quickly drew an intricate heart with flowers sprouting out of it, and underneath I wrote 'to my Valentine' in loopy handwriting.

After about 5 minutes, I had finished the sketch, and I moved over to my easel again, only to see Anthony staring at me, mouth side open and eyes bulging.

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"How did you do that?" He whispered, sending me into more fits of laughter.

"Practice," I replied softly, before pointing out which colours he should use where. I even mixed some good colours for him, before handing him the palette.

Then I started out on my own painting for Chloe.

We spent about half an hour together painting, and exchanging an occasional few words.

Eventually, Anthony looked over at me and murmured "I think I'm done."

I turned my attention over to his paper, and couldn't stop a gasp escaping from my lips.

It was actually really good, with careful details and a good range of colour.

I was actually impressed.

"That's really impressive, Anthony!" I said, smiling at him.

Much to my surprise, he started doing a happy dance while chanting, "I impressed Sylvia!" I internally cringed at the sight of it.

"Let's see your effort then," Anthony said, and I turned round my easel for him to see. It wasn't quite done, but I made good progress.

His jaw dropped at the sight of it, before he flipped me the middle finger and pranced off with his painting.

"Just go and make me feel bad, why don't you," he mumbled, sticking his tongue out at me.

He walked over to the door, and just as he was about to leave, he said quickly, "we'll meet tomorrow by the car park tree."

And with that, he was gone, and I was left with my painting, and a racing heart, a small smile glued to my face.


Hello from Croatia :)

Yeah, I'm on a choir tour but I still found time to update :)

Next chapter, they're gonna go on their bowling trip! What could possibly go wrong?

Anyways, I'm off to go sing, please vote and comment.... It really would make my day :)

No idea when the next update will be.... It's coming soon though :)

Stay amazing <3

Catherine xxx

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