Chapter 20 - Cages

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Chapter 20 - Cages

I soon fell into the pattern of school followed by hours of homework, and started to get used to Anthony's friends being around all the time, although my navigating skills still needed a lot of work!

One evening I found myself sitting on my bed, slaving over some geography statistics, while Chloe sat on my floor, doing her history homework, which may I point out was colouring a picture of a Tudor scene.....

I miss my childhood when that could be passed off as a hard homework task....

"Sylvieee!!" She said, jumping up off the floor and running up to me, scrambling onto my bed and into my arms, sending my geography flying in the process.

"Look at my colouring sylvieeee!" She said, shoving it into my face.

To say it was neat would be a little optimistic, but it was definitely sweet.

"That's very nice Chloe!" I said, trying to put on an impressed face.

In reality, I was shattered, and this homework was doing my head in. I was on the brink of going and asking Anthony for help, as he was in my geography class, so was bound to be slaving over it next door as well, but my stupid heart was too shy to venture into his space on purpose.

"Sylvieeee, can I ask you something?" Chloe said, bringing me back, out of my thoughts.

"Of course, sweetie," I replied, looking down at the little child sitting on my lap as if she were my own sister.

"Why did my daddy hurt my mummy, and why did the lady bring me here?" She said quietly, looking up at me expectantly.

My breath caught in my throat at that. What are you meant to do when an innocent 6 year old asks you that?

Taking a deep breath, I did what I always do when I have a problem. I moved Chloe carefully off of my lap, grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil, and waved her over, sitting in the floor with the paper in front of us.

"Now listen to me sweetie," I said, not quite sure where to begin or what I was going to say really.... I was taking talking on the spot to a new extreme here...

"I want you to think of this big piece of paper as your life, ok?" She nodded enthusiastically and I started to sketch.

"That is you," I said, pointing to a little baby I had drawn. "You were born, and your mummy and daddy loved you very much."

I added in two parents round the baby, looking happy.

"Now, your daddy made some bad choices," I continued, keeping it vague because I really had no ideas of the detail.

"He got distracted, and he couldn't get back." I quickly drew a man in a cage.

"He got trapped by his emotions, and the only way he could start to break out of that cage was to show others how he felt. So he hit your mummy, because he didn't think he could use words."

I did a drawing of him reaching out of the cage angrily and a sad mum stood next to the cage. This was unbelievably hard...

"He didn't realise that what he was doing was wrong, but the woman who came did, and she cared for you lots and lots, almost as much as your parents."

I drew what I imagined to be her social worker with her.

"She brought you here so you are safe and you can make new friends, until your daddy gets better again, and then you can go back to him and your mummy," I said slowly, finishing one last drawing.

Putting down my pencil I turned to the little girl next to me and took her hand, looking deep into her eyes.

"Now listen carefully to me. None of this was your fault. But you see that big gap I left here," I said, pointing to the space on the drawing, "that is your future just there, and, believe me, it looks really bright. My mummy used to say to me that life is a blank canvas, but it's what you do with that canvas that counts. Your daddy made a bit of a mess of his, but it's being fixed, but you can do amazing things with yours, and you will, no matter what happened in the past. Ok sweetie?" I said, looking fondly at her.

She nodded slowly at me, understanding spreading over her face. She was such a mature 6 year old. She had gone through something no child should witness, but was still the sweetest kid I know. And for that, I was endlessly proud of her.

I smiled at her, before hopping up and saying, "Now lets play some Disney princess quiz!"

Yep, that's how much she meant to me... I voluntarily let myself in for that.

An extreme sacrifice, I know...

But I loved her with all my heart. So much so that I would give my life for her. (And I think you'll agree, another round of the Disney princesses quiz might leave me close to that point!!!)

I was so happy that I was starting to heal her wounds, but without even knowing it, she was healing mine, by being my little ray of sunshine in a storm.


Hi everyone :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it fills in Chloe's background for you, even if it was a bit short and a bit of a filler! I'm excited about the next chapter though :D major Anthony Sylvia moment coming up!

I wanted to try something out..... If I get 4 votes on this chapter, you can have the next chapter early, and trust me, I think it is a good one! I'll upload on Sunday as usual if not, but it is nice to know that you would actually like it earlier.... So vote? Thanks :D

Stay amazing <3

Catherine xxx

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