Chapter 25 - I dont speak Testosterone

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Extra chapter today, cus I was meant to post the last one a week ago but forgot to... Oops :/

Enjoy anyways :)


Chapter 25 - I don't speak Testosterone

The shrill bell rang down the corridors, finally signalling the end of the day. It had taken long enough!!!

I'd had a terrible day, thanks to a combination of hard lessons, piles of homework, the girls still going on about me and Anthony, and Dan.... and all I wanted was to get home and sleep.

Packing my things up quickly, I walked out of the psychology classroom and turned left down the corridor, before promptly crashing into someone.

I bounced back off of them, falling on my bum, my bag once again emptying itself on the floor. I looked up to see the human wall that I had crashed into, only to meet eyes with Anthony, half looking down apologetically at me, half laughing at me.

"You're like a wall of muscle!" I moaned, starting to get up, only to be lifted up by Anthony. I mumbled a quick thanks as he bent down and repacked my bag slowly.

"You've crashed into me enough times to know!" He said, chuckling to himself as he passed me my bag.

We slowly started to walk towards the exit, not really paying attention to where we were going as we talked about our days.

"Anyway," Anthony said, pushing open the door to the car park for me. "Who were you trying to hide from?"

I froze suddenly, remembering Dan.

We had skilfully walked right into his path, and I could see him waiting under the tree.

Genius...... That's me!

"Quick!" I whispered, ducking behind a car.

Anthony followed my lead, although looking completely baffled.

"It's this guy I have to do Chemistry with, who wants to come back to the home to work on the project for tomorrow, but he's creeping me out, and frankly, he's the biggest jerk ever."

I saw Anthony's jaw tense at the mention of a guy, like that of an overprotective brother.

"He's by the tree, hence me not wanting to meet there," I whispered, looking at Dan with disgust through the car window.

"Ok, well we are already masters of escape after mission disappear and dash," he murmured in my ear, causing me to giggle, while sending tingles through my body at his voice.

"So, we can do it again. We'll just edge round the wall here, behind all the cars, then go into the trees at the edge there, then he won't be able to see us on the pavement, and we can get away!"

I saw a spark of excitement in his eye at the idea of escape, just like a little kid.

"Ok, let's go," I said, creeping forwards along the wall.

We ducked low so as not to be seen through the windows of the cars lining the wall we were shimmying along, then made a sprint for the trees, hiding away from Dan, giggling like mad children and clinging to each other for support so we didn't fall over, we were laughing that hard.

"Over here," Anthony motioned, biting his lip to try and stop laughing, and we worked our way through the little patch of trees before emerging out onto the pavement and dashing away.

"We did it!" Anthony said, chuckling as he high-fived me.

"And with such style too!" Came an annoyingly familiar voice from behind us.

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