Chapter 31 - Fireworks

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Chapter 31 - Fireworks

I couldn't shake off the thought all day, and by the time the end of the day came, I needed answers.

After getting the books I needed from my locker, I walked out to the tree to meet Anthony so we could walk back to the home.

My heart was pounding within me as I hurried down the unending corridors.

This was it, in the next 15 minutes, my heart will either be bursting with happiness or crushed...

To be honest, I already knew what was going to happen deep down, and I was slowly preparing myself for heartbreak.


As soon as I walked through the door, I could see him, illuminated by the weak February sun, looking down at his phone.

Just the sight of him was enough to make my heart flutter and a small smile spread across my face.

And you think he'd like you? You're out of your flipping mind Sylvia...

I walked over, trying to keep calm and plan what to say, but of course, as soon as we made eye contact, that all went out of the window.

"Hey," he said softly, a genuine smile on his face.

It felt like someone had just winded me at the sight of it.

It was all I could do to smile back, in the hope that it looked something like my normal smile.

Anthony pulled his bag up onto his back, and we headed off in the direction of the home.

"So did you have a good day?" I asked, nerves ringing through my voice.

"Listen Sylvia," he replied, cutting through my attempt at small talk. "About the flowers."

"Ah yes, I saw you got quite a bunch in geography," I mumbled, desperately trying to avoid the topic that I knew was inevitable.

"Sylvia, I-"

"You know, they'll keep your room smelling nice for a good few days, and add a bit of excitement," I cut in, rambling on.

"But Syl-"

"Make sure you give them water though or they'll wilt, and that would be a waste."

"Come on S-"

"I always thought they should offer something more useful than flowers, like chocolate say, I mean who doesn't like-"

"SYLVIA! LISTEN!" Anthony yelled, causing me to flinch, and fix my gaze permanently on the concrete passing under us.

"I know it was you."

My heart dropped at that. He sounded so disappointed at me. I knew it would ruin our friendship.

It was a few minutes before I had the courage to utter a word.

"Listen," I started, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need to ask you something."

His eyes met mine, and started to bore deep into me like he always does, which I took as a 'go ahead'.

It was now or never...

Please fate... I beg you

"Your painting for Sarah, it was in my locker, with.... With a red flower. Was that a mistake?"

Anthony looked down at the pavement, before mumbling something so quietly I couldn't hear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," I said quietly.

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