Chapter 29 - One red flower please

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Chapter 29 - One red flower please

I spent most of the weekend shut up in my room, finishing Chloe's painting, which I was actually really proud of. I couldn't wait to see her reaction when I gave it to her on Wednesday!

However, I had to get through Valentine's day first, on Tuesday.

The joys.

Especially with my matchmaker friends....

Please help me....

Not even kidding, embarrassment is definite!

After a quick breakfast, and a desperate attempt to ignore the comments of the other kids about the approach of Valentine's Day, Anthony and I started to head to school.

"So have you got any plans for Sarah for tomorrow?" I asked casually, trying to start a friendly conversation.

"Um.... She doesn't know I like her, so no," he muttered, looking at the ground, a blush evident on his face.

"You're so cute when you blush..." I mumbled absent mindedly.

As Anthony's eyes shot up to meet mine, confusion sweeping over his face, I realised that I had voiced my thought.

Complete and utter face palm moment.

See, I've already embarrassed myself and we haven't even got to our friends yet! What hope is left for me now?

"Well Valentine's is the perfect time to tell her then," I pointed out, quickly moving on from my incident. "The whole cheesy admitting feelings on Valentine's day is actually what most girls want, despite not saying it. The princess ending and all."

He sighed, running a hand over his face, before looking directly at me. "What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

"What if she does?" I shot back. "You don't know until you tell her. Besides, if she doesn't like you back, which to be honest I highly doubt, I'll be here to help you move on. Sound good?"

He nodded slowly, before moving his gaze back to the pavement, which I took as a hint to stop talking.

With I sigh, I inaudibly muttered, "She's a flipping lucky girl..."


As usual, as soon as me and Anthony walked into the school, I was snatched away by the girls for my dose of daily gossip.

"So who are you buying a flower for?" Hazel started, smirking at me.

"A flower?"

Was I missing something here?

"Oh, you don't know what it is, do you?" Frankii said, giggling a little.

A little offensive, I'm perfectly aware of what a flower is...

"It's this thing that our school does for Valentine's day. You can buy either a red or white flower for £1 and get them to deliver it to the person you want to with a message, if you want. White means I admire you or something like that, and red means I love you."

I nodded my head slowly. Seemed a bit cheesy if you ask me.

"Sounds great.... Shame I won't be sending one then." With a smile, I turned my back on them, and started to put in my combination to the dial on my locker.

"What do you mean you won't be sending one?" Hazel asked, leaning on the locker next to mine so she could maintain eye contact. "This is the PERFECT time for you two love birds to realise what you have and flipping go out for god's sake!!!"

I rolled my eyes, pulling out my books. I didn't have the energy to run over the Sarah thing again.

"I don't have any money anyways, I can't get one," I said slowly, trying desperately to avoid what I knew was becoming the inevitable...

"I'll lend you some!" Ellie said, giggling a bit. "Don't think you're getting out of this."

"Besides," Frankii started, "I saw him buying a red flower a few minutes ago...."

I sighed before turning to her, bracing myself for another shot at trying to convince them. "I know he bought one. I told him to. For Sarah! We were talking about it on the way, how this would be the perfect time to admit his feeling for her, and if she didn't like him back, I'll support him through it. So don't read anything into it."

Of course, the girls started their annoying giggling again.... That will be the death of them one of these days!

Before I knew what was happening, my arms had been hooked by Frankii and Hazel, and Ellie was getting out money as we moved towards a stall set up in the corridor to sell flowers.

I thought this was meant to be a choice?!?

"One red flower to go to Anthony Corbin please," Hazel said to the person behind the stand, making me go bright red.

"What message?" The stall attendee asked, ready to write it on a label.

Hazel looked at me carefully. "It isn't going without a message... Either you draw something for him, or we make up a cheesy poem or something.... Either way, he'll know it's you...."

The attendee smirked at me. "Some choice you have there!"

"Tell me about it," I said, rolling my eyes, before grabbing the pen and label that the attendee was holding out to me.

Moving the pen around on the paper quickly, I sketched a small heart with a very similar design to that I'd drawn for him to paint for Sarah.

I knew he would recognise it, which only made me feel worse.

Having 3 friends breathing down your neck and determined to make you send the flower doesn't help either.

"Thanks," I mumbled to the attendee, passing back the pen, before turning back to my friends.

Of course, they were laughing. It seemed to be a permanent physical state with them.

I rolled my eyes at them, before heading off in the direction of geography.

Impossible friends.

What the hell was I going to do when he got that flower?

As I stepped into the classroom, a wave of regret and guilt rushed over me.

By sending that flower, I had effectively just ruined our friendship....

Oh shizzlecakes....


Hi everyone

So here is your next update.... Tell me what you think? :)

Yeah.... Dunno when the next update is coming, but it will be a good one :D

Stay amazing <3

Catherine xxx

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