Chapter 19 - Piano Lessons

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Enjoy :D


Chapter 19 - Piano lessons

The end of the day couldn't come soon enough, and I sighed happily as the bell that I was starting to dislike finally told me that the end of the day was upon us.

My last period had been study in the library, so I had started on some of my already substantial pile of homework.

Quickly packing away my psychology work, I pulled out my phone, to see a message from Anthony.

'waiting for you in the car park, under the big tree xx'

I found myself grinning at my phone, although I have no clue why... it wasn't like it was a particularly thrilling text.

Stupid heart...

Anyhow, it was all well and good that he was waiting for me, I just wasn't entirely sure how to get there.

Throughout the day, I had colour coded my map to show me where my different lessons would be, which made it easier, but it would take me a while to learn my way around this school, what with my history of being terrible at navigating.

Sighing a little, I walked out of the library. Surely it couldn't be that hard to get out of here?


About 20 minutes, and many wrong turnings later, I pushed open the door which, thank god, led to the car park.

Spotting Anthony, I smiled and walked over to him.

"I'm so sorry I took so long," I said, smiling shyly at him as I approached. "I got a bit lost."

He grinned at me, and said softly, "I knew you would!"

I found myself sticking my tongue out at him, way to be mature much, and we started to walk back to the home.

It was a good 15 minute walk, so I was hopeful that we could have a good talk.

"Sylvia," Anthony said slowly, quickly grabbing my attention, and causing me to look up at him expectantly. "I was wondering..... if.....if you would...."

He paused slightly, and my heart went mad. Surely he wasn't going to ask me out, was he? He didn't like me, that much was clear, he was just stuck with me so had to spend time with me.

But still.....

Maybe there was a tiny chance?

"If you would.....," He continued slowly, "...maybe teach me how to play something on the piano..." He finished, saying the last bit really quickly.

Of course.

I knew it was too good to be true.

I looked down at the floor, partly to hide the disappointment that I was sure was crossing my face, but partly to not allow him to see me blushing at the fact that he knew about my music.

"Sure, I could try to, I guess..." I said slowly, "but it would have to be when no one else was around."

He laughed a little at that, much to my confusement.

"Do you really think any of the other kids will be around? They'll all be at school, we finish the earliest of all of them, and Harriet always goes off with her friends."

He had a point I guess.

"Ok then, as long as no one hears, I'd love to."

I smiled at him quickly, before falling into silence, and racking my brain for something I could teach him. It kind of depended on how capable he was.....

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