Chapter 36 - The end

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Chapter 36 - The end

I pushed Chloe in her little wheelchair through the home door, smiling at the kids who were cheering Chloe in.

Sure she was still weak, and needed a wheelchair to save her energy, but she was alive, and well, and that was all that mattered to me.

3 days had passed since her heart attack, and after being observed in hospital for any issues after surgery, she had been discharged from hospital today with a bunch of medicines to take to help her recover further.

But having her home was the best birthday present I could have wished for.

Did I mention it was my birthday?

I hadn't really bothered to think about it, Chloe was far more important to me.

But being 17 was pretty cool!

I took Chloe into a spare room downstairs, which was her temporary bedroom while she was in a wheelchair, and lifted her onto her bed.

She smiled up at me as she settled into a comfortable position.

"Sylvieee? Can I have some water?" She asked me slowly, a mischievous grin on her face.

That confused me slightly, but I quickly nodded, saying I'd be back really quickly, and walking over to the kitchen.

Looking round for Anthony, I opened the door.


A huge cheer came from the room, as the kids jumped up from various places around the room and shot party poppers at me.

There were balloons hanging around the room, and a huge banner saying

"happy birthday Sylvia!"

On the table was an array of all sorts of food, and I couldn't help but notice a sizeable pile of presents on the kitchen counter.

I gasped in surprise, before grinning at the kids around me.

My eyes settled on Anthony, who was smiling at me, warmth in his eyes.

He pulled me into a huge hug, whispering "Happy birthday Sylvia!" With that, he tilted my head up and planted his lips on mine quickly, sending those familiar tingles through me all over again.

Then, pulling away, he rushed out of the door, into the lounge.

I stared in confusion after him, but he was back in a second, carrying a huge canvas, which he then passed to me.

I looked down at the canvas to see that each of the kids had done a part of it, even Harriet, making a huge collage of paintings and drawings.

I couldn't suppress my smile as I admired it.

"Thank you so much!!! I mumbled, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes again.

"It's the least we could do compared to your abilities," Anthony said, smiling and wrapping his arms around my waist again.

Before I knew it, our lips were moving together again in perfect harmony. Anthony bit down lightly on my bottom lip, causing a little moan to escape as we deepened the kiss.

"Ok lovebirds, go have 10 minutes somewhere, this isn't something we want to witness!" Ben said, smirking at us. "Birthday treat," he added with a cheeky wink.


We partied hard that day, celebrating anything we could think of - my birthday, Chloe coming home, Peter passing a test at school, Mine and Anthony's relationship, almost anything.

Looking back now, I realise something very important.

Just because you're in a care home doesn't mean your life is over. In fact, for me it meant that my life was just beginning.

That birthday was 8 years ago now. I'm 25, and happily married.

Me and Anthony tied the knot a year ago today actually, and I've never been happier. I don't know what I would do without him! I've never stopped loving him, and those fireworks have never disappeared each time we kiss.

I've just finished university, and I'm a first year medicine graduate. I'm training to be a doctor, just like my parents.

Anthony has a good job too, doing something in finance, although every time he tries to explain it to me, I have to admit, I just switch off.

We adopted Chloe too. She's 15 now, and one of the prettiest girls you'll ever see. I know she's got a great life ahead of her, despite her heart condition. She's tough, she'll fight through. Any future boyfriends who try to touch her will have to get through me first though!

We also have a baby of our own on the way, and it thrills me to think of the new life being formed within me, that has so much potential!

Louis is doing well as a policeman. It makes me laugh every time I think of his career choice, but it's making him happy, so who am I to judge. He's even got a girlfriend. She's called Tara, and is so nice!

Life is pretty damn good, and to think that not so long ago I was on the point of giving up.

So that's it.... My roller coaster of a life... And knowing my luck, that won't change in the future, but I've come out stronger, and with Anthony at my side, I can face anything.

That cheesy Kelly Clarkson actually tells the truth - what doesn't kill you most definitely makes you stronger!

If you learn one thing from my story, please let it be to never give up, because that blank canvas is there if you look hard enough, and once you have that, everyone is capable of creating a masterpiece...

Even Louis!!!


Soooo that's the end everybody :D

Yeah, hope you liked it, it was pretty fun to write :)

Please please please comment and tell me what you thought of it, it will make my day :)

Oh, and I'm working on a new story right now, which will hopefully be coming soon, it will probably be called The Matchmaker :) so look out for that, and please go read my other story, Bully, especially if you liked this one :)

Stay amazing you beautiful people <3

Catherine xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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