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           It was a sunny day in L.A., and I found myself sunbathing on the beach. The beach was my thinking spot. I'd go here every day if I needed to let go of some negative thoughts clouding my mind.

To describe myself, I'd say I'm fairly tall, I've got brown eyes and brown hair. My friends say I'm very kind and selfless. I guess you can say I'm a people pleaser too. Everyone needs to like me, if not then I think everyone hates me.

My dad's girlfriend had moved in with us after she met my dad. Gross!! To be honest, I always hated my dad's girlfriends. This one though, I've hated since the day I set eyes on her. She's going to take my mom's spot in Dad's heart if she didn't already.

That's what brought me to the beach today. It was her dumbass birthday, and I wasn't about to stick around and watch her open shit she bought herself and pretend to open them all surprised. Last year she gifted herself a necklace. A necklace I had bought for myself. My dad told me they were going for a hike, so I left and came here, to think. a lot. But was starting to get chilly so I walked home.


I sat there waiting for hours for my dad to come back with my brothers and sister. It was getting late. I was starting to get really worried. My heart began to race when the landline phone rang. I picked it up, taking a deep breath hoping it was Dad.

"Hello?" I finally said when no one spoke on the other end. I was about to hang up when the man finally spoke.

"Hello, is this Josie Stellar?" just by his voice, I could tell this wasn't going to be a very pleasant phone call. But nothing could prepare me for what came next.

"Ye-" I choked. "Yes...Yes, it is" I said with a shaky voice. "Who's speaking?"

"I'm afraid I have some bad news ma'am," he said in a low, soft tone, "My name is Officer Harmend, I work for the Los Angeles Police Department. I'm afraid your family was involved in a terrible accident." He paused for a second then continued when I didn't respond. "A semi-truck sped through a red light and crashed right into your mother's car. When we arrived at the scene, both your brothers were already dead, your sister was clinging to life, and your mother and father made it to the hospital together but we couldn't save them, they lost too much blood. We tried everything we could. It was just all so fast. I'm so terribly sorry." He waited patiently for my response.

"What?" I stood there crying, "And she is not my mom, she never was and never would have been. This is all her fault! How come my father had to pick her! Why couldn't it take him as long as it's taking me to get over mom?" said slamming the phone down causing it to break. I screamed and started throwing things in the living room.

I have nothing left. At all. Not a single thing.

The next day I was woken around 10 am to men in all black sneaking through my house. Once one of them was able to spot me, he ran up to me, his pistol in grasp on his weapon holster. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, like a blanket. Then he threw me into the backseat of his car.


"Let's go. Get out you little brat" I woke up in the car about an hour later to the same man shaking me awake. "Here's your new home" He flashed a fake smile and pointed to the building.

It read 'orphanage' in big white letters, the 'g' swinging by one and creaking with the light wind.

I was Sixteen. Sixteen and I escaped that hell hole the very first day I was there. I was able to drive, I had gotten my full license back in May. I went back to my house, packed a bunch of clothes and necessities. I walked into my dad's room and went into his emergency funds safe. There was about $4Ok in there as far as I knew. I just needed to find out what the code was. Which was the same for everything, my birthday. I cracked the safe and grabbed about 30k. Making sure I had left some in there just in case and headed downstairs.

I grabbed my car keys off the kitchen table and left. Never once looking back. I drove all the way to New Jersey hoping to find a better life. Fresh start. Let's see how this goes.


Hope you enjoyed the intro :) 

updated July 7th 2023

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