Five- The Video

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Cece's pov
Ethan woke Grayson and I by banging two pans together.

"Ethan! Stop. It's too early to wake up, go back to bed." I whined.

"Ya, listen to Cece. Dude it's way to early." Gray whined with me. I look at my phone and it was three o' clock in morning. I got up and tackled Ethan to the ground, tickeling him.

"Okay, okay. Maybe it is to early, but we're doing the video right now so come on."

"Ugh, hold on. Let me put a shirt on Eth." Grayson said as Ethan left. Grayson got up and put a shirt on. And I just changed into Grayson's over sized shirt and sweat pants on.

"Awe, s'cute!" Gray said. I blushed and we headed to Ethan's room, and Ethan was setting up the tripod.

"Ok, Cece you're gonna start off camera. Until Gray introduces you. And then we'll go into the challenge." Ethan said.

"What's the challenge?" I was kinda scared.

"Oh, you'll see." Gray smirking and Ethan.

"Umm, maybe this isn't a good idea, I mean I'm gonna get a lot of hate, right?" I started walking out of the door and Grayson put me over his shoulder.

"Grayson! I was just going back to bed! Do I have to do the challenge?"

"Yes!" Ethan started the video. Grayson was about to introduce me once he got to last part of his sentence I ran out the door.

"Wait, wait, wait. We'll start the video in a second. Ethan grabbed the camera and followed Grayson and me. Grayson put me over his shoulder again.

"This, is my new girlfriend, Cece. Say hi Cece."

"Hi." Grayson carried me all the way back to Ethan's room.
"Okay so today we are going to do the cabbage eating challenge! Yes it's dark outside because this one over here," he said pointing to Ethan, "by banging two pans together, then this feisty one," Gray said pointing to me, "tackled Ethan to the ground and tickled him, which was weird but okay."

"Thanks for the update, Grayson." Ethan said.
Five minutes later Gray brought out a bowl full of little, raw cabbages. I hated cabbages. They taste really bad.

"Okay, so we're including Cece in this challenge. The punishment is if you lose, which there will be one loser, the punishment is you'll have to eat a raw egg. If you chicken on the egg, there is a mystery punishment."

"Sounds good to me! Let's do this. On the count of three. 1, 2, 3...GO!" Gray said yelling.

I gagged every time. So far the twins had finished 10... while I was at...

Grayson's pov.

Poor Cece was only at 1.

"I can't, I have to go puke." Cece said running to the bathroom. Throwing up everything in her stomach.

"One minute guys, I will right back." I said running to the bathroom.

"Are you ok baby?" I asked kinda feeling guilty.

"Ya, I should have chickened out when I had a chance."

"No it's my fault... Sorry baby girl..."

"It's okay Gray."

"Ok, brush you teeth, and come back ok, you still get punished though. Love ya baby."

"Ugh ok... Gray could you do it with me please?"

"I guess."

I left Cece in the bathroom while she cleaned up. And explained to the viewers that be watching the video that I'd be punished as well.

Cece walked in.

"Hey, baby." I said

"Hi..." she sat on my lap.

"Are you ready?"

"Nope, but I decided to pass on the raw egg." Cece said.

"Are you sure? Cuz when you pass the egg there's no going back." Ethan said.

"Yes I'm sure." Cece said.

"Okay, we have to go sit in a bath tub full of water and ice. Until we answer a question right that Ethan asked us. But we'll do one at a time." I explained to Cece.

"Damn, wish I picked the egg now.."

"Okay Ethan, who's going first you pick." I said.

" I think Cece so she doesn't run out on the punishment."

Cece's pov

I put on my swim suit and headed to the bathroom... Grayson picked me up Bridal style. And placed me in the bathroom tub of coldness.

"All parts of your legs in!" Ethan yells.

"Ok, ok."

"The questions will be about Grayson. So I hope you did you studying." Ethan said smirking at me.

"Ok go!" I said rising my voice.

"Ok, did Grayson ever have blonde hair?"

"No, he hasn't." I said regretting what I said.

"Wrong, he has."

"Next, what's Grayson's middle name?"

"Grant!" I said shaking because it was cold.

"Nope, Bailey, Grant is mine!" Ethan said laughing.

"Go! I'm numb. "

"Ok, geez. What was the date, except for the year did Grayson start vineing?"

"Ummm, May 28th." I said about to jump out.

"Nope May 25, so close, next question. What's Grayson's favorite feature about himself?"

"His hair!"

"Yes! That's right!" Grayson said standing up.

I jumped out quickly. Grayson picked me up. The whole bottom half of my body way starting to turn purple.

"Whoa, baby."

"Ok, Gray come on, your turn."

"Ok, your questions are about Cece. How do you spell Cece's real name?"


"Nope, next question. Where did she used to live?"

"Umm, ugh I remembered this. Umm, ahhh, California!"

"Yes!" Ethan exclaimed. As I climbed out.

"Ok, going to my room to take shower, Cece lets go." Cece and I took a shower. Even after that I was freezing. Grayson and I went back to bed.

"Babe are you still cold?"

"Ya. But I'm fine." I felt Grayson's warm body against mine.

"Is that better?"

"Ya. Thanks baby, goodnight. Love you.

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