Eight- When Silence Screams The Truth

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Grayson's Pov

Cece called My sister Cameron. Before cam answered I whispered to "Cece to make it look like I don't know ok?"


"Hey Cameron!"

"Hi who is this?"

"I'm Cece."

"Oh yes Grayson's girlfriend. He talks a lot about you."

"Anyways, I have serious new and I'm scared."

"Omg, did Grayson break your heart?"

"No, no, no. It's just that he ummm, I mean we, I mean I'm..."

"Cece are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm scared but I'm gonna get this out. I'm... Pregnant." Cece started to cry.

"Omg. What? Is Grayson the father?"


"Does he know?" I shook my head trying to get Cece to say no.

"No." I left the room.
Cece's pov
"Oh honey. You need to tell him."

"I know. But I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"That he'll leave me."

"He won't I promise. He loved you so much."

"Okay, I'll tell him tonight."

"Do you want me to come over?"


"Ok see ya tonight. Everything will be ok."

I hung up and started crying. Grayson walk in.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I'm just so scared Grayson." I laid my head in his lap, and started to pet my hair.

"It's okay. But you don't know until tonight. Ok?"


"Cameron is coming over tonight."

"Well I need to start cleaning then." I got up and started cleaning but Grayson pushed me on the couch.

"No, you get rest my pregnant lady."

"Thanks, made me feel lots better." I started crying.

Grayson's pov

I saw Cece starting to cry. I hugged her and comforted her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok, but I'm gonna be like this for nine months Grayson. I'm only 15. At least let me make dinner."

"Ok." Cece walked to the kitchen. I started cleaning up.
One hour Cameron came over. And dinner was delicious. It was shepherd pie.

"So, Cece. Any news you need to tell us?" Cameron said winking at Cece.

"Um, yea..."

"Whats up Cece?" I said pretending to act concerned.

"Um, well Grayson I'm.....I'm...I'm... Pregnant. With your baby."

"What?" I said acting.

"Ya." Cece started to freak out.

"Oh no. Cece dont, stay with me."

"I'm dizzy." She said grabbing my arm before falling. I caught her before she hit the wood flooring.

"Cece. Come on stay awake."

"Cameron! Go get the car started." Grayson ordered.


"What bro?"

"Come here! Please.

Ethan came running down the stairs.
"She passed out again."

"It's ok. We need to calmed down. Get her into the car and I'll take cameron."

"Okay." I grabbed Cece and put her in the car. We drove pretty quick.

Skip rest of car ride.

We got there and her doctor suddenly grabbed Cece from me and put her on a stretcher.

"Cece, please."

One hour later
"Grayson Dolan? And anyone that's family." The doctor said...
We all follow. We walked into room 234. I see Cece still not awake.

"Questions?" The nurse that was in her room asked.

"Is the baby ok?" Ethan asked hugging Cameron.

"Yes, it's fine."

"Is Cece ok?"

"Yea, we're gonna send her home tonight with anxiety meds."

"Good." Suddenly Cece woke up.

"Are you ok?" Cam asked to Cece.


"Im so sorry.

"Not your fault." Said the doctor.

"When she lost her family, she got so depressed that it turned into anxiety."

"So when ever see gets freaked out she passes out." I finished.

After the conversation we had Cece wanted to go home, so we left.

Cece's pov

When we got home I was hungry and not tired. I had a craving for cheesecake spread and pickles.

So I ate those. And instantly after that I puked it all back up.

It was 3  am.

"Are you ok, Cece?

I heard Cameron.

"Ya, morning sickness." I got up from the toilet and went into Grayson's room. I laid there for ten minutes. Grayson walked in. And I ran to the bathroom again and puked my guts out. I was still pukimg like ten mins. For the last five Gray held my hair and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry." Grayson started walk out with his head down.

"Wait Grayson. For what?" I said running after him.

"I got you prego. And I hate seeing you like this."

"You're fine baby."


Grayson's pov

I kissed her nose and went into the living room to see that Cameron fell asleep on my couch. I covered her up and said night.

I ran back up stairs and Cece was alright in bed waiting for me.

"Hey mommy." I said smirking.

"Hi daddy, come lay down I'm cold"


I face my stomach towards her back putting my hands on her stomach.

"Your bump is so tiny."

"I know." Cece turn towards me and kissed my nose then my lips passionately. Cece pushed me away and ran so quickly to the bathroom.

"When is this morning shit, gonna stop?" I said.

"Idk, I get my ultra sound tomorrow but I'll ask when we're there."

I walked back carrying Cece to the bed and set up a trash can by her.

"Goodnight beautiful."

Then Cece asleep in my arms.

Thx guys for reading update tomorrow bye!

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