Twelve- Home

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5months later....

Cece's pov

I was huge! My stomach was as round as a basketball. Grayson always rubbed my huge stomach.

Grayson's pov

I am glad that Cece's pov concussion is officially gone and so is her morning sickness. I love her so much. She was in a really bad mood this morning.

This morning-

"GRAYSON! Why aren't you helping me!?!?!" Cece yelled at me.

"Baby, come down. You need no stress. And quite frankly I'm already used to your bad hormones..." I annoying said.
"I'm sorry baby. Thanks for trying to bare with me." Cece said frowning.

End of that.

"Baby, I can't believe we have four months still..." I groaned want my son to be here.

"All I have to say is, wait, not really looking forward to the pain that's going to be involved..." Cece said

"Its ok baby, it will be worth it."

"Until your hand hurts so bad, you'll think it's broken."

"Damn, not looking forward now.."

Hours passed and I just laid there feeling kinda sad, for the pain Cece was going through. I just thought to myself what sam I gonna do when my son's here? No more vine? No more youtube? Idk maybe I'm over thinking.

Cece walked in. She grabbed my hand and put it on her stomach and told me to lightly push. I felt my baby kick. It was amazing. I looked up looking at Cece.

"We're going to have an amazing future." I said.

"I know."

"I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through..."

"Grayson why are you apologizing?"

"I did this to you."

"I let you therefore, it's my fault. And protection doesn't always work."

"I love baby girl."

"I love you too!"

Cece's pov

Grayson's birthday was in two days, and he thinks I don't know his birthday, but I did my research.

I decided I'd set up a surprise party. I texted Ethan.


C- Ethan!

Then I thought to myself, and I realized Ethan is his twin so they have birthday.

C- Never mind

I just did all planning by myself, I went to work, to save up a little more money.

"Hey Aries! I'm here to work." I said.

"Okay, going home. Have a nice day Cece."

I grabbed my apron and Grayson walked in.

"Baby! What a surprise! Isn't throughout day off today?"

"I got called in," I lied.

"What can I get you?"

"Get me a cinnamon chai latte."

"Ok, venti or-----" I got cut off

"Venti please," Grayson smile which made me blush.

I make his latte and not the cup I wrote I love you! Btw you forgot to pay, but that's ok I'll pay... And I drew a winky face.
"Here ya go."

Grayson kissed me and said bye. I work 6 hours and it was time to close. I closed the store and I went home.

I walk in put my key on the hook and went up to Grayson's room. And he greeted me with flowers and chocolate.

Grayson's pov

Cece walked in a gave her flowers and chocolate.

"Why?" Cece said.

"Cause you bought me my latte. And I love you."

"Grayson you shouldn't spend money on me."

"Baby I'm famous and I do what I want. So either way you have to take them or else I'll be sad." I said.


"I'm to going film a video right now..."

"Okay have fun."

"Okay, I'll be thinking about you!" I said.

I walked into Ethan's room. Jack Dail and Aaron was already there.

"Hey guys I'm Grayson, this is well you know Ethan. And Aaron," I said point to Aaron.

"And this is Jack." Jack said.

"And today, we're gonna do the crystal light challenge." Ethan says.

Cece's pov

I was writing in my journal. My feet were swollen and I had circles under my eyes so I fell asleep.

I felt someone's hand shake me awake. It was Grayson.

"Baby, get under the covers. It's cold."


Next morning

Grayson's pov

Today's the day I will..........



Okay, sorry for not updating. I will be posting on Fridays Saturday possibly Sunday and Tuesday's!

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