Pompeii Today

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My name is Grace Jones; I am one of the young Archeology students that studies abroad. That I suppose is a fancy way to say that I do research and help with digs in multiple countries. Each dig is different and I learn so much more about the history and culture of the time period that the diggers unearth. This time our dig is a pretty popular place even though it had been found before it was reburied because of the graphic content upon the city walls. Apparently that doesn't bother as many people now as it did then.

My job is to go through whatever evidence I can find and try and catalogue where it was found and what I think it might be. To some that may seem like a boring job but I find it absolutely fascinating. There are many things that I have found here from jewelry to money and even people. That is the more morbid part of my job, though they are all cast in a ash shell some of the peoples expression are still able to be seen and some of the faces can be quite haunting.

"Grace, you may want to come here we just uncovered something on the hill." My co worker Jill calls out to me trying to get my attention.

"Coming." I call out as I put down my pad of paper and pen.

It was pretty rare that Jill called for my help. After all I was still a student and she had been in the field or years. So when she called for me I knew it had to be something exciting. Making my through what was once ally ways I make my way to a hill that had just been excavated. There stood Jill taking a million pictures of her latest find. It just looked like a statue to me but Jill wouldn't have just called me over for that.

"You found a statue?" I question as I walk up to her.

"No, I think he was once a man but the ash had a different affect on him. Doesn't it look like he was holding someone once?" Jill questions as she walks up and examines the statue a bit more.

Following her lead I walk around the man or statue whatever it was and it did look like at one time it may have held something or someone in it's arms. Whoever it was though apparently did not stand the test of time.

"I think you maybe right, though it makes you wonder what happened to the other person." I point out as I wipe the sweat from my brow.

"Time can be cruel as can the elements. Look at him though it looks as though he has been perfectly preserved, isn't it amazing. Grace do me a favor you look like you could fit right where what he was holding fit, think you could take it's place so I could take some measurements and pictures?" Jill asked giving me one of her famous smiles.

Jill was an older woman and her greying hair and grandmother like ways did leave a soft spot for her in my heart. Taking off my hat I sigh as I toss it to the ground and then look at how in the world I would be able to fit.

"I'll try my best but if I think I might hurt it then I will back out before anything happens." I tell Jill who nods at me as she readies her camera.

Closing my eyes I shake my head as I somehow manage to maneuver myself into the statues embrace. Whatever this person was holding they definitely did not want to let it go. Barely able to turn my head I can hear and see Jill snapping as many photos as she could as she mumbled something I couldn't even make out.

"Lean in closer to him." Jill calls out to me.

"If I do that then I would be kissing him." I respond with a laugh.

"So what? He's dead I don't think he'd mind."

"That's gross on so many levels Jill!"

"Just do it, come on how often do you get to kiss a statue?" Jill laughs.

Well I guess I could really do it anytime but I have and probably never will have the desire to do such a thing but to humor Jill I do lean in and try to keep my lips away from his since god only knows what might have been on them.

"If that's how you kiss then it's no wonder you are single!" Jill howls at me.

"Fine! One kiss and that is it!" I reply.

I can't believe that I am about to do this but I do lean in and barely touch my lips to his. That's when things get weird too. The ground beings to shake and sky turns really dark. Everything looks like its going black and the last thing I know someone grabs my waist and holds onto me tightly.

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