The Gladiator

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Groaning I feel something soft under me, maybe I was in bed and everything with the statue was just a dream? After all I didn't remember a thing that happened after kissing the statue and everything going dark so that was a good sigh that it was a dream...right?

"Time to wake up sleepy head." A woman's voice said as all the sudden light was all around me. "Cassia will be here soon and you know how anxious she is to see the games."

Games? Cassia? What in the world is going on here? Barely opening my eyes I look around and know that I am definitely not in my room. This room was large and the walls had painting all over. Murals I guess you could call them. Lifting myself up onto my elbows I could see and older woman opening the drapes that blocked the sun from the room.

"You can't stay in bed all day and you know it, get out there and attract a handsome young noble." The woman tells me with a giggle.

Handsome young noble? Who in the heck even talks like that? Just as I was about to say something the woman comes over and sits on my bed. Staring me down the woman's face turns to a serious one as she takes a lock of my hair and tucks it behind my ear.

"You are the eldest of my daughter and I expect you to at least find a lover before Corvus proposes to your sister." The woman sighs as she pulls the blankets off of me. "Come wear your green dress, it brings out your red hair which most roman men like."

Roman men? Ok if I didn't know any better I would say that somehow I was back in time but that is impossible...or it is? After all I didn't remember what happened after I kissed that statue so what if somehow I was able to go back in time. As I think over my situation I stand from the bed as two other women come into the room and begin to put green fabric around my body.

"Grace, please just keep an open mind with your sister today." The woman said as she raises my chin so I am forced to look at her and I decide to play along.

"Yes mother, I promise to keep an open mind with my sister." I agree not really sure what I am agreeing too but if it got me out of this room faster I was more than willing to try.

The women dress me in a long green flowing dress. Whatever family I was in it was obvious they had money and were trying to show off my "assets" to any noble man they could to attract his interest. Trying to keep my mind off of that I can feel my mother start to braid my hair. Oh yeah they really wanted to marry me off and that just made me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Sister!" another female voice calls out as a woman bursts into the room. "There you are, come we must go and see the new arrivals."

New arrivals? Really I had an idea what she was talking about but I was going to try and keep my smarts to myself since I didn't want to attract a lot of attention. Mother finished my hair quickly and practically pushed me into my sisters arms.

"You two have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." Mother warns us as we walk down the stairs.

Something told me there wasn't much that woman wouldn't do to get me married. Rolling my eyes I follow Cassia as she does nothing but talk to me about the gladiators and how she had hoped to see them while they were training for the upcoming entertainment they were to perform at tomorrow morning. I just let her ramble on and answered most of her questions with yes or no since I didn't think she really wanted my opinion plus we had another girl with us who was sticking to Cassia like glue. She looked to be about our age and would do anything my "sister" asked of her. A brown nose if you asked me. The carriage finally stopped and there we were outside of the arena.

"Come, my cousin is in charge of the gate and he said he would let us in to see the warriors practice and maybe get some time with one of them." Cassia's best friend said with a big smile as she dragged us to a different entrance.

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