Save Me

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Grace's POV

Being chained would be the worst part of this right? Wrong, Corvus took us out one at a time and even though I am a woman I was still forced to fight. I didn't know about the other female fighters who were kept out of the public's eye. It didn't make sense to me why Corvus wanted me to fight when he was just going to have me burned at the stake anyway.

Milo had been taken out earlier and I lay on the ground while still being shackled to the wall. I was beyond exhausted and I was dirtier than I had ever been in my life. My once white dress was torn down to a skirt and a top to make sure I didn't show too much to the other men around me. My eyes closed I tried to focus on my breathing when I heard the cell door behind me open. I didn't move expecting it to be the guards returning Milo.

"Oh grace, my poor sister." Cassia's voice spoke out to me and I felt someone lift me up a little just so I could turn my head. "I am here to save you...I already took care of Milo."

"Is this a trick? Corvus playing more tricks?" I question as I look at Cassia.

"No, You have one month to escape because that is when your execution is set for." Cassia told me as she helped me to stand slowly.

Barely able to keep myself up even with Cassia's help another person rushed inside, one that I never wanted to see again, Ali. He looked to Cassia and me with a calm expression on his face. The minute I tried to move away from him though I began to fall only to be caught by his arms.

"Now is not the time for revenge, kill me when you can stand properly." Ali says as he lifts my feet from the ground and we begin to walk down the hall of the dungeon.

"Corvus will find out soon and I don't want Cassia or I to be around him when he does." Ali says as he looks down the halls to make sure there are no other guards coming.

"Yet what if I already have Ali? How would you explain yourself then?" Corvus asks as he walks out of the shadows. "I knew Cassia was loyal to her sister but you Ali, all you had to do was convince her you loved her and make sure she was out of my way, that was all you had to do to keep your family alive but no you had to let you emotions get involved."

Well this wasn't something I was expecting but really it would have happened eventually. Corvus circled us but one of the guards grabbed Cassia and pulled her aside. Clearly she wouldn't have to pay for what she did but Ali would. Trying to keep myself awake I stare Corvus down. If he managed to catch me did that mean he also caught Milo as well?

" disappoint me, you mother and father will have to pay for your treachery. Though I won't have to lift a finger, they died long ago I just never saw the reason to tell you."

What?! Looking back to Ali I could see the pain and anger in his eyes. He had been loyal to Corvus only to be betrayed by the man who swore to protect his family...this wasn't going to end well since we were surrounded by guards Ali really couldn't take his revenge.

"Arrest them and take them to the stadium, there they will be shackled to stakes and burned together. Your love for the pathetic Ali shall guarantee your place beside her in death." Corvus says and I can feel Ali's grip on me tighten.

"It is a far better place than at your side." Ali says through clenched teeth.

The guards grab Ali even though he refuses to release me they begin to lead us out of the hall. There we are made to walk all the way to the stadium. Looking to my side I can see the sun is just beginning to rise and that more than likely this would be a very hot day. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cassia trying to run our way only to be held back by the guards that were assigned to protect her. If she was smart and if Milo was still free she should know to go and get him.

At the stadium I was surprised to see one stake had already been set up and now other men were setting up another, platform and all. The sight sent a cold chill right to my heart. This is where I would die and I was too weak to stop it. One guards ripped me out of Ali's arms and he began to yell and call out to me in a language I didn't understand. My strength was gone and now I was at the mercy of whoever was holding me. Then I felt a cold metal wrap around my wrists and my weight fell straight down only I was held up by the metal chains.

"Grace! Don't give up!"

"Somebody save me!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as loud as I could.

I didn't believe in magic or powers but I swear I was willing to believe I could do whatever I could to try and live, if only I had my strength. The man laughed at me as they shackled Ali to his stake. They knew I wasn't getting out of here alive and that very soon my death would be their form of entertainment. What a way to die.

The sun had risen and the rays began to beat down on Ali and myself.

"I never meant to betray you...I thought if I served him that my family would be kept safe...I was wrong." I can barely hear Ali tell me as I barley have enough strength to lift up my head.

"You did what you thought was right for them, no one can fault you for that. Not even me." I speak trying to use my voice as loud as I could so he could hear me.

Just a few hours later and the stadium was packed with people not even knowing who Ali or I was but was more than happy to watch us be burned to death. Bunch of idiots if you asked me. Corvus was calling out to the masses explain how Ali and I were having an affair behind his back and if we had come forward he would have blessed our union but he would not have secrets nor traitors among him. If that wasn't some BS right there then I didn't know what was.

"Death will hopefully come to by almost sister in law by fire." Corvus said motioning for a man to go forward with a torch in hand. "Any last words grace?"

Looking up to the evil man with the sweat dripping from my brow every part of me wanted to be a true and total smartass but I didn't instead I looked to where Cassia sat.

"I pray to your gods that Cassia lives a full and happy life unlike my life which you cut short. If my love for Ali was a crime then I deserve to die for I love everyone I met deep inside my heart. Milo, Ali I wish one of you could save me but I see that is impossible." I finish and my legs give out again making the chains be the only thing holding me up.

"GRACE!" both Cassia and Ali call out to me.

"BURN HER!" Corvus yells to the torch man.

The crowd explodes in loud taunts at me as the tears fall down my eyes. I didn't want to die like this! I wasn't even from this time and now I was going to die here for a crime or so called crime I didn't even commit. I felt heat, so much heat but I couldn't tell if it had come from the torch or the sun...was this really the end for me?

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