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"I'm in love with him...if Corvus finds out though it will be both of our heads." Cassia says looking out her window in dismay. "To be in love with a Gladiator you must think me a fool."

"I believe that we have no control over who we fall in love with so no Cassia, I don't think you are a fool." I reply as I walk up to her side. "Still you must be careful, he suspects me to be the Celts lover but I don't know how long he will believe that."

"Especially since you love another." Cassia says as she turns to look at me. "I think Ali really would protect you with his life though, he looks strong too so I believe him."

That made us both laugh, we really didn't know what to do or what plan that we may be able to come up with but for right now we could just act like sisters. Cassia was naïve about quite a lot but I could tell that she really loved Milo. Her heart was pure to him no matter what act she had to put on around Corvus.

"There you two are, Corvus has come with some wedding gifts." Our mother says as she walks into the room smiling.

At the sound of our mother saying that horrible man's name Cassia's smile dies for a moment but she puts it right back on to fool our mother, which works because I personally think our mother has a little too much wine on a daily basis.

"Of course mother, we will be right there. Grace is helping me with my hair." Cassia said as she walked over to her vanity and sat down.

Walking up behind her I take the brush that she offers me and begin to brush her hair. Mother smiles brightly at us as she makes her way out of the room. Looking to Cassia I could see an overwhelming amount of sadness in her eyes and it truly did make my heart cry out for her.

"He will find a way to punish Milo even though he only saw you with him." Cassia tells me as she has tears in her eyes. "He may even whip him for such a thing."

"Cassia stop worrying, we will figure out something." I lie trying to encourage her.

"Please if it keeps Corvus from hurting Milo I beg you continue to act like his lover." Cassia says turning around to look at me as she grabs my hands and holds them tight. "This is all I ask of you sister, please help my love to live if you can."

Well who could say no to that? Gripping her hands I nod yes to her of course.

"I promise if I can do anything than I will, you have my word sister." I smile as she stands up and hugs me after I reply to her question.

"The gods could not have granted me a better sister." Cassia says with a few sniffles mixed in.

Well...that may be more correct than she thinks. Since I really wasn't her sister but somehow I did end up in her time and somehow being related to her. Either way I knew we couldn't stall anymore. Cassia and I wiped her tears and then made our way back to the gathering room. Cassia almost froze when she saw that Corvus had Milo as well as many other gifts right beside him. He was up to something and I knew it wasn't something good.

"My beautiful future wife, come I have gift to give you and even a gift for your sister as well." Corvus grins as he leads Cassia into another room with his soldiers following close behind gifts in hand. "You come too sister Grace."

Of course he just had to call out to me, looking to Ali I saw him nod telling me to listen to what the horrible roman had to say. Taking a deep breath so I didn't kill someone I followed them into a room that was almost overflowing with gifts. Good grief, why did they need so much? Plus who in the world would send this much?

"Many are gifts from the emperor and other nobles." Corvus boasts.

Ah, that explains it then.

"Open as many as you like where as Grace I have arranged for you to have one night with your lover as an act of kindness so that you may allow you sister one night with me...without you by her side." Corvus states not even really asking.

"You truly are a kind noble." I manage to speak through gritted teeth.

Cassia was trying not to break down in tears, that wasn't hard to tell by the look on her face but I knew I had made a promise to her and I intended to keep it. Milo was pushed over my way and he looked between Corvus and I.

"Your father gave me permission to have you two undisturbed for the night however there will be two guards outside Grace's room and I will get a report from each of them. Now you two go and have fun." Corvus told us as he then turned away and walks to Cassia.

Before I was almost shoved out of the room, I looked back and saw Cassia mouth the words "I'm sorry." Shaking my head I wanted to let her know that I didn't blame her for anything and that I would keep my promise. The men led us back to my room and Ali was about to follow us in but one of the other guards stopped him.

"Not tonight Ali, direct orders you are to remain outside with Surge and I." the guard stated.

Ali looked conflicted as I felt my heart drop. Nodding he stepped back. He didn't have a choice and even I knew that. Walking into my room I barely have time to turn around when the door is shut in my face. What a bunch of jerks.

"I think he knows something if out of place, that we are not what we claim to be." Milo starts to talks to me.

"Well then we prove him wrong." I say as I walk up to Milo. "I gave my sister my word that if I could keep you alive I would by any means needed. I will keep that even if we have to..."

Both of us looked over to my bed and he got the hint. Milo ran his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner, he looked like he was about to kill someone, or go stir crazy. I wasn't sure which one it would be yet. Going over to my bed I sat down and moped.

"I don't hear anything going on, that won't look good on my report." One guard called out to us from outside my door.

"They're going to force us to do something, if they give the report that we did nothing Corvus will do something drastic." Milo said as he walked over to me.

"I really don't like agreeing with you but isn't there another way? I mean no offense but you have been with my sister." I say with a slight shrug.

"You said you would do anything, this is where that comes into play."

"Or we could fake it..."

Cassia's POV

I felt horrible knowing that my sister was now with Milo no doubt being forced to do something she didn't want to do. Taking a deep breath I watched as Corvus broke our kiss just so he could go outside and talk to some man who just showed up. Taking this as my chance I went to go check on Grace. Once I got to her door I could see three guards though and I could hear noises. She was with Milo in every sense of the word and it hurt my heart to hear it because I knew I was responsible for this.

"What are you doing down here?" one of the guards asks as the spot me.

"I came to check on my sister but I can hear that she is occupied." I say quickly as I turn to walk away.

"Oh yes, he's giving her a night to remember and if Corvus isn't satisfied with the report it maybe the Celt's last night ever." The guard laughed as he went back to his post.

Running away from Graces room I ran to my own and threw myself upon my bed and cried. I may lose Milo if he and Grace aren't convincing enough or do wind up in bed together. What had I done to deserve this?!

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