Who Wants to Live Forever?

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Grace's POV

The volcano was only in the beginning stages of erupting, that meant that there was time but she I didn't know how much. Looking to the shore we could see everyone looking up in wonder at the volcano. Octoclus was one of them and I wasn't willing to let him die after all he had done for us. Standing I move to the edge of the boat and jump up on the edge.

"Grace what are you doing?!" Milo yelled as he and Ali tried to run over to me.

"Saving Octoclus!" I yell as I dive into the ocean.

"You don't know what that monster can do! Get back here!" Ali yells to me.

Ignoring him and knowing perfectly well what can happen because of the volcano I make my way back to shore. The strong currents trying to pull me away as well but I manage to cut through it. Once I get to shore though I am met with an unexpected surprise. Looking up I see Corvus and Cassia looking down at me and one of his men holding Octoclus with a knife to his throat.

"I really hate this time." I sigh shaking my head.

Corvus grabs my arm and makes me stand up. Cassia just grins, I swear it was like she was a totally different person now. Corvus grabs my face and forces me to look at him.

"It seems the gods require a sacrifice, you will do just fine." He laughs as he pushes me into the arms of one of the guards.

I barely got a chance to look behind me, back to the ocean but when I did I saw both Ali and Milo emerging from the water. I was sending all of us to or graves all because I wanted to save Octoclus. Another loud roar erupted from the volcano sending the people of the town into a panic. Ash started to fall from the sky and since there had never been an eruption before no one knew what it was or what it meant.

"The quicker we get her there the faster this madness will end." Corvus states proudly.

"You lie! No sacrifice will stop the eruption of a volcano! This is all madness and you know it! Staying here is condemning these people to death!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I try to break free of my captors hold.

That however makes everyone stop in their tracks.

"What does she speak of?" Cassia questions.

"She is muttering nonsense in order to save her own life!" Corvus says as he continues forward.

"I know more about this situation than you ever could and these people all will die! We ae running out of time!" I shout again.

"Do not listen to the whore, she speaks the words of hate and should not be trusted. Chain her here and we shall make way. This way she is useful as a sacrifice as we leave Pompeii." Corvus says as he grabs Cassia and takes her in the other direction.

The guard then does as Corvus says, taking a chain her chains me onto a pillar. With a sly grin he laughs and takes his leave. What could I do now? I was being left to die as a sacrifice I knew that wouldn't work. Looking up as the ash falls down upon my head I can hear the chaos around me. I never though I would die like this, in a time that wasn't even my own.

"Grace!" I heard someone call out to me.

Looking around I saw a group of guards being fought of by Ali and Milo. They had come for me even risking their own lives. Why doesn't this seem familiar? Milo breaks free of the guards as Ali continues to fight them off. Not wasting time, Milo takes his sword and hits the chains as hard as he can. After a few tries the chains fall from my body and he grabs me holding me close in his embrace.

"You came?" I question as he pulls away and looks at me.

"As I have before, come we must leave this place." Milo says taking my hand and pulling me to where Ali kills what we believe to be the last guard.

"We don't have much time!" Ali says stating the obvious.

Running through the town we try to beat the cloud of dark gas following close behind us. I knew what it would do and it wasn't something I ever wanted to experience. Reaching the edge of the island we look out and see the people who were attempting to swim were suffering a fate far worse than drowning. They were being boiled alive.

"Oh my god, we're too late." I say as I look to Ali and Milo.

"We can't swim...what do we do?" Ali questions as he looks around.

"There is no escape, we are doomed all because of me." I reply as Milo pulls on my arm again.

With nothing else to do I follow him we run through what appears to be gardens. I had no idea why he had taken us here but we were met with one guard we didn't see coming. A loud scream came from behind us. Turning to look I see a guard stabbed Ali right in his chest.

"Ali!" I yell as I pull away from Milo.

Jumping on the guard I tackle him to the ground and hit him with all of my might until blood coats his face and my hands. Milo tried to help me but I pulled away from him and went right to Ali. He had already removed the dagger and tried to cover up the blood but I could still see it. I carefully put my hand on his chest and could feel his staggered breathing.

"Ali...I'm so sorry I don't want you to go." I cry as I lay my head down by him so he wouldn't have to struggle to talk.

"This was not your fault, I wanted to keep you safe and I did. Now I can go peacefully knowing Milo will always keep you safe. You were the only woman I ever loved and I am glad I got to be with you for the time I had." He spoke in short breaths as he lifted his hand to touch my cheek. "I regret nothing and will love you forever."

Holding his hand to my cheek I could feel the tears cascading down my cheek. I leaned into his touch and tried to be strong and speak words of comfort to him. I found none. Leaning down I kissed Ali one last time. He smiled up at me and closed his eyes. His hand slowly fell and his life was no more.

(Sorry for the very long delay, I have to admit I did cry writing the end of this. Hope you all enjoy it though!)

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