How to Crash a Wedding

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Grace's POV

This was it, the day of the wedding. Cassia would marry that pig and now in my mind they deserved one another. Our plan was not the simplest of plans but I had a feeling it would work. Getting dressed in a beggars outfit, Octoclus watched as he made sure I knew what to do as soon as I got into the palace. That is where the wedding would take place and with the help of Milo and Ali I would be able to do what I needed to do.

"If you don't want to do this Grace then now would be the time to back out." Octoclus says as he offers me his hand.

"I'm in, nothing can change my mind now." I reply just as the doors open and a commander of some sort comes in with Milo and Ali beside him.

"We are ready when they are." The commander tells Octoclus.

"Lets go crash a wedding." Octoclus smiles.

The journey didn't take long at all. Disguising myself as a maid I made my way into the palace and right up to my sisters room. She was causing a loud commotion. Opening the door and hiding my face with the veil just at the right time, the other maids were leaving and once they left the room I shut the door and locked it.

"Slave, what do you think you are doing?" Cassia askes only looking at my reflection in her mirror and not at me.

"The one thing you didn't think of." I tell her as I take off the veil.

"Grace...what are you doing here? You wouldn't kill your own sister would you." Cassia panics as she grabs different bottles and throw them at me.

"Sister, I am not of your blood." I tell her as I grab her arm and bring it behind her back, making her bend to my will. "Now!"

With my signal the windows open and Ali jumps inside through one of them. Cloth ready he puts it right against Cassia's mouth. She breaths in deep and within a matter of moments she is knocked out on the floor. Looking back up to Ali I can see the concern in his eyes. Gently touching his cheek with my hand, he nods and picks up Cassia before taking her to the bed. Lucky for me her dress wasn't on her yet. Taking her wedding dress from it's spot, I quickly put it on and barely have time to put on the veil when there is a knock at the door.

Ali picks up Cassia and hides in the corner behind a changing screen. With the veil hiding my face I open the door to see father smiling brightly at me. He doesn't really care who Cassia is marrying if he gets the power that comes with it. That was disgusting.

"You make a beautiful bride my dear, your sister would be jealous to see you now. She can have your gladiator leftovers and she probably will marry the brute and dear god even birth his children, but yours will be far more superior." He grins as he takes my hand.

It took every ounce of self-control not to punch him right in the face. Leftovers? Birthing his children? Don't you jump into relationships? How dare he accuse me of such a matter how true it may become. Gripping his hand, he walks me down the hall. We quickly make our way to the palace and wait for the guests to arrive.

The palace was well decorated since one of Rome's finest generals were to be married here. Holding back the vomit that just came to the back of my throat I could hear was sounded like a disagreement coming from another room. Curious I led father that way to hear Corvus arguing with another man, one who apparently had more than he did.

"You have no choice in the matter, Rome is more important than you and your whore." The man yelled as he then left the room.

Something was up, I didn't know what it was, but I had a bad feeling now. Father led me to the hall where the marriage would take place. Deciding he finally needed to go and find mother, I sneak away to try and find Ali or Milo. A pair of hands then grabbed me and pulled me into another room.

"It's only me." Milo spoke up causing me not to be afraid anymore.

"What were you thinking?" I question as I lift the veil and turn to look at him.

"Grace, this isn't a good idea. What if he finds out before we can get the poison in the wine?" Milo worried as he held me close to him. "What if he does something terrible to you?"

There were a lot of what if's going on in his mind but if I were truthful there were a lot going on in my mind as well. Embracing him I try to comfort him when we hear more people coming. Looking to Milo I quickly kiss him before putting the veil back down and running back to my spot.

Lucky for me I beat everyone there. Father held my hand on the right side while mother held my left. Nerves were running rampant in my mind now. At the end of the row I could see Corvus with a few other men beside him. Behind them I could see a cleverly disguised Octoclus put something in the wine before putting the glass on the alter beside Corvus. Walking up to him I felt as though I were walking to my grave.

Taking my hands, Corvus brought me to him. The priest or whatever you wanted to call him began to speak in a tone I didn't know and do weird hand motions. I didn't know much about roman weddings or anything like that, but this was taking forever. What I didn't know was that Cassia was awake now.

Ali's POV

She was awake, and she was livid. Cassia was desperate to get to Corvus though I didn't know why. The man was evil to his core. Jumping on me she began to hit, punch, and even bite me. However, with on swift kick to the groin I was down. Trying to run after her, she knew the way to the palace and she wasn't going to give up any time soon.

Her speed was fast, just like Grace but she was pushing anyone or anything out of her way. Once inside the palace I tackled her to the ground, only for a moment though. She jumped back and ran right to the doors of the hall where we could hear the ceremony going on.

"STOP THIS! THAT IS NOT ME!" Cassia yells earning a gasp from the attendants.

This was not going to end well. One whistle came from the fake bride and the army we had readied came out. Corvus looked around enraged until he realized the bride beside him was a traitor. Grabbing her veil, he quickly pulled it off her and revealed Grace.

"You brat!" he yelled at her, but she just smiled and slapped him right across the face with all the power she had.

"You evil, menial bastard!" she retorted as she even grabbed his sword and held it to his throat. "You are nothing be an evil sadistic moron and you belong dead!"

That's when we all heard aloud explosion go off in the background of the palace. The only thing there was the volcano...oh dear god the volcano. Corvus used that moment that Grace was distracted and punched her backwards. Milo came out of nowhere and grabbed Grace and took her out of the room. Making my way out I quickly went to find them. It didn't take long either, we barely got out of the palace when we saw the large cloud of smoke.

"We have to get to a boat! That's our only chance." Grace said with the look of true fear on her face.

"There's one down by the docks about to leave soon I'm sure." I tell her as we take off to the docks.

Running past all the people who just looked up at the volcano in shock it didn't take us long to get to the docks and just in time to find a fisherman that was getting ready to leave. Apparently, he knew Milo and after bargaining with him for a few moments he let us on board. We cut ourselves from the dock and quickly began to sail.

"What is happening?" the fisherman asked the question all of us were curious to know.

"The volcano erupted...none will survive." Grace states as she looks back at the chaos behind us.

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