Chapter 2

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Percy hid in the shadows as he watched the funeral. He saw all the people there crying for her and him. Percy was dressed in black to represent his emotions. He promised that he would never go back to being a warrior unless the world depended on it.

He watched as his Mediterranean blue coffin was lowered into the ground. Poseidon put a gold trident in the ground as his tombstone.

Percy turned to see Annabeth's stormy grey coffin slowly lower down into the ground. She had a beautiful olive tree put on her grave as her marker. Thalia was crying her eyes out yet Percy could not shed a tear.  He knew Annabeth would want him to move on, to find someone new.  But he knew never would.

Percy only loved Annabeth. He locked all his emotions away. He would never love anyone else.

Percy slunk away in the shadows.

Percy waited until it was late in the night to return to graveyard. He slowly stepped up to Annabeth's grave and fell to his knees in sorrow. Percy looked up at her marker he took out Riptide and slowly and percisely cut Annabeth's name into the tree. Percy sat there untill dawn just staring at the tree and telling her how sorry he was that he did not save or protect her. He finally had to leave because the graveyard was going to open soon.  He had to leave or people would know he was alive.

Percy quickly left the site and headed downtown to his old house. His mom and Paul were on a tour of the world so they left the house and it went to waste. Percy unlocked the door and slipped inside. He sneezed from all the dust that covered the place. No one has lived in this house for a few years. 

Percy went into his old room and saw that it was left just the way it was before he moved to the camp. It looked like a typical 16 year old boys room, messy and clothes all over the floor. Now he was 19 and the room was covered in many layers of dust.

He layed down on his old bed and fell asleep waiting to go back to the graveyard that night.

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