Chapter 4

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I was in pain. I could not feel my body. I knew I had to regain consciences and fight.

When I opened my eyes I saw white. "Am I dead" was my first thought. When my vision turned back to normal I looked around and saw that I was trapped in a small room that was painted white. Everything was white and it was driving me insane. I stood up and realized that I was still wearing my orange Camp Half Blood shirt. At least there is a bit of color. I thought.

I sat there for exactly 3 minutes before my ADHD kicked in. I started to pace my cell and just think about all the ways my life has gone bad. First off is that Annabeth died. Second is that i now cant kill myself to be with her. third I am trapped in a cell while my ADHD is going CRAZY!!!! I mentally screamed.

I sat back down when I realized something. If they took me in wont they confiscate my stuff. I felt my pocket and saw that my pen had returned to my pocket. I then felt around my neck to see if I still had my camp necklace on. It made me happy when I saw that it still was. I decided to look around my cage and see if there is anything that I should be worried about.

I searched the room with my really sharp eyes and saw there were tiny cameras on the walls and under the bed. I smirked and looked down at the floor.

I sighed as I climbed back into the bed. I lay under the scratchy sheets and fell asleep hoping for a better tomorrow.

Just kidding not finished yet.

Avengers POV

The kid is just sitting there doing absolutely nothing! Natasha yelled.

If he is as powerful as Fury said shouldn't he be doing something, anything. Tony inquired.

He seems like is just waiting for us to make the first move. Steve said.

All the Avengers just looked at him and then Natasha spoke.

Well who is going to give him a welcoming speech?

All heads snapped to Natasha as her words sunk in. Everyone had silently agreed on making Natasha their spokes girl.

Natasha looked around and then saw what they were doing. She sighed and left to go talk to the kid.

Percy POV

I was just sitting there when i heartd footsteps coming down the hall. I knew right away that the person was female and was at least carrying 2 weapons. I heard the footsteps get closer and closer to the door and all of a sudden they stopped. I heard the door slowly creak open.Tthen a lady with red hair that went to her shoulders step through the door way.

What do you want? I said She looked at me funny and replied. We know how powerful you are. We want to make shure that you will not be a threat to anymore people.

Then go ahead and shoot me. I know you are carrying about 2 guns with you right now and I  also want you to know it would be my greatest wish to die, but I cant so knock yourself out. She smirked as she grabbed her guns and aimed one right at my chest. I am so going to injoy this she said as she fired at me. I felt a little pain as the bullet went right through me. I looked down at the wound and saw that it was already closing. I looked back at her and she looked scared. She put her hand to her ear and said. I just shot him and he is alive and healing really fast.

Soon I heared lots of guards going down the hallway to my cell. when they barged in the pushed me to the floor and put these really weak handcuffs on me. They pulled me up of the ground and pushed me into the hallway. They led me down so many hallways that it was starting to get really hard to remember where I was.

The guards pushed me into a giant room with a whole lot of chairs around this giant table. I glanced over the room and saw that some of the chairs were taken by the people who brought me in. I glared at them and they all flinched at my cold hard stare.

Why am I hear I said. The other people looked to this scary dude with a eyepatch on.

He looked right at me and said.

I want you on the team.

The Avengers Team.


hope you love this chapter. <3

i promise to update soon and if i dont you are alowed to hate me but please dont

love ya


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