Chapter 8

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Its been a few months since I fought the Minotaur. Nick is like a dad to me. He defends me and pretty much lets me do whatever I want to. All I do is train, train and train again. I am training for a fight and to get my mind of of CHB and HER and my dad. Its really hard for me to grasp the concept that SHE is dead. I sometimes go to her grave to mourn. Nick is the only one who knows about HER and what she meant to me.





I ran and grabbed my wristwatch and pen. I also packed all my armour and helmet into a back pack. I never need it anymore but I still carry it around with me. When I got to a smaller plane and boarded the briefed me on what was happening. People were suddenly turning to stone. I growled and had a angry look on my face. She is so going down. I jumped of the plane when we were about 10 feet from the ground. I went behind a building  and put on my armour. No one was going to know who I was. I touched the button on my watch and my shield popped open. I ran to Medusa and used my shield to look at her.

"AH son of Poseidon. We all thought you were dead. Now you really will die."

I rolled my eyes and lowered my sword. "How many times have monsters like you said that to me and how many times have I killed you. Like really, I would just stay away. I know that I pretended to die but do you really have to kill innocent people." I was waving my sword around proving my point.

"Hey kid stop yammering and get to the killing." As you can probably tell Tony said that to me.

I sighed and heard a hissing noise behind me. I raised my shield and saw that Medusa was right behind me. I closed my eyes and swing my sword. I hear a thunk and guessed that I cut her head of. I peaked through my eyelashes and saw that I was right she was dead. I took of my armour and my jacket and wrapped the head up in it. 

It was disgusting. I heard the head squish and make other sounds. Also her bloodish green liquid dripped all over my new converse. I silently made gagging noises. It was horrible. 

I quickly put my armour on. I never want people to see my face because they may recognize me. When I put my helmet on. I heard marching. I turned around and saw a few Greek people marching to where I was standing. I was so glad I had my helmet on. I clicked RipTide and a pen was in my hand. I put it in my converse and approached the Greeks.

The leader stepped forward and pulled of his helmet. 

"NICO!" I shouted in my head. Nico was OK. I looked at him closely and saw that he looked broken and hurt. I made a decision right then and there,

"Who are you" Nico spoke.

"I will tell only the leader and privately."

"Fine" Nico replied.

That is not the Nico I know. He is more cautious. 

"As long as you promise to not tell anyone that I am alive or who I am I will tell you." I told him.

"I won't tell any one. I swear on the Styx." Thunder boomed across the sky.

I shighed and pulled of my helmet.

"Hey buddy"

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