Chapter 3

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Nick Fury Pov

I sighed as watched the tape again. A camera on the side of a building caught these kids fighting a giant monster in a park. All the others were dead but Percy Jackson and we were going to get him.

We had to stop him. He blew up a gym and was kicked out of many other schools. He was considered very dangerous when he was 12.

He was apparently very powerful. I called the avengers to pick the kid up.

Avengers conversation.

Why do we need to pick the kid up fury, he does not look like much. Said Natasha.

Yeah he seems so sickly and weak. Said tony Stark.

Do NOT speak of him like that. That "Kid" as you say has been through more then all of you combined. Boomed Thor.

Thor was mad. How dare they say that to Perseus. He just lost someone important. And he saved the world so many times." If you want to fight that "kid" than we shall fight him"Thor said.

''Ok'' said Nick. "He goes to a cemetery in new york every night from 10pm to 8am to hide or something." Go get him avengers.

" This will be very entertaining." Thor thought

Percy Pov

I walked slowley and carefully to her grave. Every night I could sea her face in my dreams. I could still see her everywhere I go. The love of my life was gone. Forever taken from me. I stopped and looked up at the sky. It was sunny and clear. A day she would have loved. A day she would have made my take her out somewhere and just have fun.

I kneeled down and thought about her. At the end I was crying. Like I cried every night for her.

I though of all the times I tried to kill myself in the past month. All I found out was that I was immortal. the Gods sent a light that only a survivor of the battle could see. They shoot it in the middle of the day and all the survivors had a sense to look up. We became immortal.

All of a suddenIi heard a some leaves rustiling. I looked around my in a worried state. People were not supposed to be here. They were not supposed to know I was still alive. Even my mom did not care that I died.

All of a sudden I heard leaves rustling behind me. I quickly stood up and turned to my left.

" whose there" I called out. nothing happened all was silent again.

A man stepped out of the woods and said "Percy Jackson I do not want to hurt you, so come with us peacefully and no harm will come to you."

"yeah right" I replied. then I ran. As fast as I could.

I heard this strange sound like something being charged up then BAM. I was blasted away from that man. When I got back up I saw these strangly dressed people in fighting stances waiting for me to attack.

There was one female and if looks could kill me, I would so be dead. There was a man who looked like one of the Apollo kids. But I knew he was not cause if he was he could see my godly aura. there was another man who looked like a God. He was tall and he even had a weapon of the gods. So he must be Japan God or something like that. Then there was this strange man in a red and yellow suit. That made him look like a robot. Then there was this guy who looked like he came from a different time. He was all stripes and stars. I mean come on. Robot man looks better. What really scared me was the big green monster ready to fight me. I could tell they were mortal, but they have powers.(Except for hammer guy, he looked like a God.)

"What do you want." I cried out. "Cant you let me grieve in peace before I have to go with people to fight."

"No" They all yelled at me.

They charged me and I got ready for run. I wanted to go home and cry. I wanted peace and to not have to fight in any more wars.

I whistled for Blackjack and those strange people looking at me wierd. I looked up and saw him comeing closer. He landed and I jumped on his back. We flew away and had a wierd conversation.

"Do you have donuts boss."Blackjack asked

No I don't. and stop calling me boss." I replied

Then there was this searing pain in my shoulder. I looked and saw that there was a arrow stuck into it. I fell of Blackjack and dived in the air. when I landed in a crouch I made a giant crater. I winced as I stood up. I was slightly dazed as I looked around me. Then I was flying through the air and hit a tree and went right through it. It hurt a lot but not like the time I bathed in the river Styx. Then all those strange people came around me. I saw their lips move but I could not hear the words. The world around me was blurry and distorted. Then the person in the helmet raised his hammer and threw it. Straight at my head.

My last thought was of Annabeth. And how I wished she was still alive.


K I am so sorry I have not updated sooner.

Just to warn you this chapter is not edited so if you see mistakes IGNORE them. :)

Thank you so much for reading my book.

Love ya

Peace out  

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