Chapter 10

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My life is the best it has been in years. Monster never attack me and if they do I eliminate them as fast as I can. They never knew my Identity, but Medusa and monsters even think that she has snakes for brains. Sorry bad pun but it is true.

Nick is already replaced my dad and Paul, Natasha is like Sally and Tony is the annoying brother I never had. Steve and Thor and Banner are my friends who I would give my life for. i never think of THAT PLACE or HER anymore. It is like a bad dream that never existed. The Warrior is getting a lot of praise and gratification because I saved their mortal lives every once in a while.

I have been a S.H.I.L.E.D agent for almost 10 year now. Meaning it would be my 30th birthday if I aged at all in 2 months.

Today is the day were I tell everyone my life story. It will make me hurt all over again but it is for the best. I have not touched water for 10 years. It has been hard but I healed normally and I have grown weaker but it is not that noticeable. Nico and i still keep contact. We do a IM every month on the 1st day. Lately I noticed that he has been very skittish and acting like something is wrong.


I sighed and stood up from my bed. It's now or never. I slowly walked to the conference room not ready for anything. This moment is what decides my future. My whole life could be changed they could make me go back to the camp and forget me. Or they could kill me or let me rot or, or ,or it's to horrible to even imagine what could happen.


I sighed for the 100th time today and took a shaky breath. I opened the door and slipped in. All head were at me so i did what I always did in these situations.

I waved. All of the people in the room rolled their eyes at me.

"Percy why are we here?" Asked Steve.

"Well today i am going to tell you who I am."

"We know who you are Percy you are an Avenger."

"Well yes I am but do you know how I got to be so good at fighting and how to use a sword and how I have not aged a day in 10 years."

They all gave me questioning looks. And urged me to go on.

"Well my name is Perseus Achilles Jackson, son of Sally and step-son of Paul Blofis. My real dad and family think i'm dead."

"Well who is your real dad Perseus?" Tony asked me. I winced at the name. It has been a long time since anyone called me by my real name.

"My real dad is Poseidon god of the sea."

(I was going to be mean and end it hear, but i decided to write more cause I love you guys;)

Everyone stared at me in shock and then broke out laughing. I growled lightly. And burst into anger.


People shut up and stared at me in shock. I never raised my voice and never got mad.

"I could prove it but i cant. The reason I have never touched water is not because I am allergic, but that i can't touch water with out feeling power and my father can sense when a son of his uses his powers. I fought in many wars that resulted me to get scars and burns. They have healed with water. But when Banner took the exam I knew he would see the result of torture and hardships. My scars that will never heal are from the depths of Tartarus.

They all looked at me like I was crazy except for Banner.

I shiged nervosly and turnded around so my back was facing them. I slowly lifted my shirt and they saw my scars and wounds. They all gasped. And I turned around. At least it was only my family in there and I made Nick turn the security cameres off. I put my shirt back on.

They all looked sad. Natasha my second mom was crying. She never cried. Even when Clint was killed in a mission. She never cried. Seeing her cry was hard. I should have never told.

I left the room and went to my room. I walked into my black room and sat down on a chair. No one has ever been in my room. It is all black. Nico helped me design it.

I heard a nock at the door and opened it. I saw the whole Avengers team and Nick standing there. I slipped out the door and stood there. Natasha ran at me and hugged me so hard that I couldn't breath. And to a son of the sea god its freaky not to be able to breath.

She let me go and gasped for breath. She gave me an apologetic look and smiled sheepishly.

"We are still your family Perce no matter what." Natasha told me with a warm smile. All the Avengers smiled at me. And so did NIck.

"I'm sorry to say this but Percy, we have to send you on a undercover assiment>" Nick told me and he looked sad.

"Where am I going Nick?" I asked.

"Camp Half Blood"

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