Chapter 7

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I woke up to someone yelling and banging my door.

"Get up kid. We have lots to do today!" I think that was Tony. Aw someones still holds a grudge.

I groaned and slowly crawled out of bed. I stood up and realized that I fell asleep wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I went to the mirror and saw a 19 year old boy who has died inside. my black hair was to my shoulder. My sea-green eyes were dull and looked like there was no life in them anymore. I was pale and had bags under my eyes. My birthday was soon but i would never age again. Forever 19.

I sighed and went to the closet and saw agent clothes and street clothes. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I grabbed some white sneakers. I went to the mirror and looked at my outfit. I knew I needed a change. I decided I would ask them if I could go shopping soon. 

I opened the door and went to the conference room. I saw all the Avengers there. I sat down beside Steve. I felt like I could relate to him more than the others. He is pretty much immortal and I was. He was a solider and I was a warrior. I felt more comfortable with people like me.

"OK to start Percy we need you to get checked out by Banner."

"Um i'm good." I replied really nervously. No one could know that I have these scars on my back and legs. I mean the would heal with water but I swore that I would never go near water again.

They all looked at me like i was strange. 

"You have to, or you will be sent to rot in the under water prison.

I started chocking right there. I was hacking and coughing. Someone got me a glass of water and I stared at the water and then flipped out. I jumped out of my chair and ran across the room. I was freaked out. I was panting and my eyes were wide open and were big. I was truly scared. The first time I was ever truly scared. When I was done panting I looked up and saw that all the Avenges plus Nick were staring at me like I was a freak. 

"Sorry i'm alergic to water? It sounded like a question. They all shrugged there shoulders. 

"You still have to take that exam." Nick said.

"Fine'' I replied I followed Banner as he went to the lab. He told me to sit on the bed thingy and I did. 

"Take your shirt off."




"YES AND DO IT NOW" Banner yelled at me. I sighed and was relived that he did not go all hulk on me.

I pulled my shirt of and he gasped. I know what he sees. My back is cover in deep cuts thar would never heal. Well maybe with water but I was on a water ban. 

"H-H-H-How did you get these?" 

"All I can really tell you is that I have been to Hell and back."

He looked shocked. And worried. 

"Is my exam done now?" I asked the still shocked Bruce. He nodded and I was out of there so fast. I went to the conference room and saw that Nick was still there.

"Hey Nick i was wondering if I could go to New York to get some clothes?" He stared at me for a bit. Then he slowly started to nod his head. I grinned and he reached into his pocket. He took out a wallet and gave my some money. I was very grateful.

"Thanks Nick." 

"Oh there is about 1000$ there so spend it all." Nick told me while winking. I ran up to him and gave him a quick hug.  I pulled away and looked at him he looked shocked so I ran to a pilot and told him to drop me of. Apparently Natasha had to come with me to help me decide what to buy.

When we were about 20 feet from the ground I opened the door and jumped. while i was in the air I was happy to get off that plane. I was afraid that Zeus would blast me out of the sky. But apparently I was dead to all the gods. When I got close to the ground set my feet to land. When I hit the ground I did a somersault and i got up. I waited for Natasha to get out. When she did she started to yell at me saying that that was a dumb move. 

"um sorry?" was all I could come up with. She sighed at me and started to walk to the store.

When we were done my hair was totally different it was layered and looked really messy just the way I liked it. We also bought a whole lot of v-neck shirts and black skinny jeans. some leather jackets and converse and Adidas shoes. I also went to a tattoo place and got a gold trident on my left forearm. To remind me that one day I would be ready to return to my home.

When we left the last store we heard screaming so we ran to the location of the screams and we saw the Minotaur. I growled and grabbed RipTide. I ran to the Minotaur and slashed at him. I heard other people screaming for me to get away.

I clicked RipTide and all of a sudden I was holding a three foot sword. i saw some people faint. The Minotaur roared at me. I guess he remembered me.

"Remember me, i killed you a few times, guess I have to kill you again." I smirked

We fought for a while till I stabbed him in the stomach and he turned into a pile of gold dust. People were looking at me with fear in thier eyes. I looked around and saw Natasha look at me with pride. What the?!

I wirled RipTide around my hand three times then clicked it. It became a pen again. People started to cheer and clap. For me? I was shocked. Someone asked who I was and all I replied with was The Warrior. The croud parted for me like the red sea. I picked up my bads and went to the ship. I got in and waved to the people. 

When We got to the helicarrier Nick rushed to me and asked if I was ok. I nodded and he gave me a hug. I hugged him back and felt like I finally belonged.

Percy Jackson and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now