Chapter 9

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Nico has been string at me for the past 10 minutes and not moving or saying anything. I think he stopped breathing. 

"Hello anyone home?" i called to Nico. When he didn't respond I resorted to waving my hand in his face, I snapped my fingers to no avail. Ok this was starting to get really freaky.

"NICO!" I yelled in his ear and let me tell you i have a good pair of lungs. Nico responded by falling on the ground holding his ears.

"Jeez Perce you didn't have to do that." He looked at me then yelled.


"Um because, because" I sighed I can't tell Nico a lie. He is my best friend.

"Nico I could not deal with her death so I decided that i should leave the demigod life behind. My parents left, did you know that. They never came to my "funeral". I know you guys contacted them and they said "we don't have a son named Perseus Jackson". Did you know how much that hurt."

Nico was silent the entire time I was ranting. He just stared at me with pity and concern in his eyes. 

"Perce you have to come back. Chiron is devastated and all the gods are hurt. Especially the 7."

Since I was paying close attention to Nico i heard the words gods and the 7.

"HUH. The 7 are gods. When did that happen. Are you a god to." I asked all in one breath. Nico nodded and looked apologetic.

"Yeah Percy, I am a minor god. The minor god of spirits.". Percy told me and he looked really proud.

"How did you become a god Nico?"I asked Nico.

"The gods shot a light in the sky and if you helped in the war then you became immortal and a god."Nico replied.

"WAIT A SECOND NICO. Are you saying that I'm not only immortal I am also a GOD?" I yelled at Nico.

"Wait you are immortal Percy. When did that happen.?"Nico asked me.

"Well I was out grocery shopping when i had this sudden urge to look up. I did and saw a bolt of light flash across the sky. When I got home My body started to burn up and then I blacked out. The next morning I woke up and tried to kill myself to go to the Underworld with HER and that didn't work so I figured that I was Immortal.

I said that all in one breath and I was pretty winded when I finished.

"You tried to kill yourself Percy?" Nico asked me.

"Yeah I did but now I want to live. I also found a new team that doesn't have to fight monster all the time." I shrugged.

Nico looked at me bewildered and in awe.

"We will keep in contact but I have to hide. Tell the other gods that someone took care of Medusa and that you could not get a name from the stranger. Just the name The Warrior." IM me at night to tell me when to meet up and do it were no one will interrupt."

Nico nodded, then hugged me good-by. He looked sad that he had to leave. 

"By Perce, see you soon."Nico started to walk away when i grabbed his shoulder.

"Listen bro you have to act like you did before you meet me. Like you were depressed. I know its hard to do that but you have to, for me." I said to him looking very remorseful.

He slowly nodded his head, gave me a small smile and let his eyes become dull. He walked away and told the warriors to leave. He gave me one last look.

I walked into the shadows and changed into my street clothes. I was wearing black ripped skinny jeans. A tight white v-neck shirt. I was wearing black combat boots and a black  so I could keep the hood up so no one would recognize me if they knew me. I put my soaked shoes and armour into my back pack. I put my pen in my back pocket.

I ran to the ship and jumped on. All the Avengers and agents were staring at me like I was a freak. I just grinned and waved. That seemed to snap them out of thier staring and they turned to talk to the others. I got up and walked to Nick. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me that he was proud. I smiled at him. And watched as the Helicarrier came closer and closer. I was happy.

I was going home.

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