Chapter 11

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"WHAT?!" All of us but Nick yelled.

" I'm sorry Percy but you have to. After you told us we realized that they could be national threats. We need you to go into the camp and spy on everybody."

"He can't go! Don't you know about all the stuff he has BEEN THROUGH? YOU IGNORANT LITTLE..."

"I will do it Nick." I quickly shut Natasha up. We so don't need a little battle going on right know.

Everybody and I mean Everybody turned around and stared at me. I made my face impassive. Natasha was staring at me with her mouth wide open staring at me in shock.

Nick looked sorry and surprised. What do I need to do Nick.

He sighed and told me that I needed to die my hair and get contacts in. I nodded and did a small smile. I went to one of the mini ships and got in. Before anyone could get in I took of. I still get queasy flying in planes but since no god knows i'm alive all is good.

I hovered the craft in the air and jumped down. I put a hood on and walked to the hairdresser. I died my hair dirty blond and cut it cut so that it looked like Luke's.

Next I walked to a eye care place and bought blue contacts. I made myself look like Luke because he was a brave soul. I also Named myself Luke Barton. SAfter the hero Clint Barton.

I went back to the mini craft and jumped in. I went and flew the plane back to base. They taught me how to fly a plane after 2 years working there. I also know martial arts and how to use a bow and arrow. I also use guns and knives now. Weird I know.

I landed and got out I put my contacts in and went to find Natasha and Nick to see what they thought of my new look.

I found them both fighting with each other in loud whispers. I went up to them and stood there for like 10 minutes and they never noticed me.

I smirked and said. "Hey guys."

They both stiffened and turned around and stared at me. Natasha reached for her guns and began shooting me. When the bullets hit me and bounced off she gasped and said "Percy? Is that really you? You look so different."

I smirked and replied with a cocky I know. Natasha glared at me. She then softened her expression and asked me if I was ready.

I nodded and then her face turned hard like a agent. She started ranting about how to do this and that and how to not blow my cover. I zoned out while she was ranting and then realized she stopped.

"I will Natasha" She sighed and asked if i had chosen a name.

My new name is Luke Barton." She nodded and her eyes started to tear up.

"Why did you choose that name.?" She asked me.

"I had a friend Luke who died fighting a Titan, and Barton for one of my other friends. Is it ok?"

She nodded and led me to the plane. I waved as we took of. All the Avenger were there for me and Nick looked proud of me.

I knew I would miss my family.

I fell asleep on the plane and a pilot had to wake me up. They dropped me of at my old house. I walked in and saw that no one lived there. I pressed the little earpiece in my ear and asked Nick why no one lived in the apartment.

He told me that the reason that no one liver there was because they bought the place for me in case I needed.

I told him I was very grateful. I walked to my old room and saw that it was still the same as when I left it. A picture of HER was on my nightstand so I did the right thing. I riped it into tiny pieces and then threw them out. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. It was the only place I felt comfortable with. It hurt being in the same room that I grew up in. It was hard being in the master bedroom because of my "parents".

I decided to sleep on the couch. Tomorrow I would set of to Camp Half Blood. I fell asleep thinking about how hard it will be tomorrow.

I woke up with a sore back. I hated falling asleep in awkward places. I walked to my backpack and pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans and a white v-neck and black combat boots. I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked good enough. I wouldn't have a powerful aura because I had lost some of my power over the years.

I walked out the front door and put RipTide safely in my shoe. I walked to Half-Blood Hill and stopped. This is where I fought the Minotaur for the first time. This is where I returned from all my quests. This is where I was planning on having a life.

I gave my self a little pep talk and walked the rest of the way to the camp.

When I was about to pass the barrier a monster came right at me. I dodged and it roared. It kept chasing me and I kept dogging it. I really could not take out RipTide cause it will blow my cover. I sighed and reached for my shoe when a warrior burst out of the bushes and slashed the monster.

"Are you all right the person asked me"

"Y-y-yes It think I am." I replied with a scared voice. I hated this part. I had to pretend i'm the new scared almost died kid. Ugh I am stronger than all these people here.

The person lead me into the camp. They all stared at me with horror in their eyes. Well i guess they know who Luke was. I felt a smirk come on but I had to hold it back. They had to believe that I was weak. Even with all the muscle I have. The person took of their helmet and I saw


"Where are you taking me?I asked in a scared voice.

"Well I'm taking you to Chiron."

I nodded and asked him who is Percy Jackson. He stiffened and looked at the lake with a sad expression on his face.

"He was the greatest warrior of all of us. He died in a horrible manner. He was my best friend" He replied with a sad voice.

"Can you take me somewhere private please?" I asked Nico.

He nodded and led me to the lake.

"What if I told you I know Percy?" I asked Nico.

"He is dead Nico said with a worried expression on his face"

I turned around and took out my contacts and turned back around. He looked shocked and then I grinned.

"Hey Nico, miss me." i asked

"Perce?" He whisper yelled at me. I smirked and nodded. He ran and gave my a big hug.

"We have to bring you to Chiron." He told me.

"Just don't tell anyone about me. And my name is Luke Barton."

He gasped.

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