Obsession 10

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The show went great and without a single hitch so now all spirits are on a huge high (especially now the musics blasting an the champagne is flowing) even Maya is enjoying herself. Janet an I are having a little girly chat in the corner an I turn an see Laurie standing alone in the kitchen looking miserable. "I should go check on her" I say to Janet and she looks over to who I'm talking about "what's is up with her. It's supposed to be a party?"
"not sure. I'll try an find out" I shrug and she nods as I head to the kitchen.

"Hey what's up?" I smile an she just looks at me annoyed. "You've barely given me the time of day" she mumbles and I sigh guiltily, realising she right I've barley spoken to her since the party started. I was so busy talking to Janet I'd completely forgot about Laurie "I'm so sorry, you should have just come over" she shrugs "I didn't wanna get in the way" I roll my eyes an laugh "Hunny, your my best friend you could never get in my way" I smile, pulling her in for a hug and She starts to cheer up an we start talking. Mainly bitching an making fun of how annoying Maya is.


Michael's POV

I got to the party a little later than the others. I had some ideas for a new single so I had to put it on tape while it was still fresh in my head.

As soon as I walk through the door I'm greeted by a very drunk Janet handing me a beer."MICHAEL!!!" I laugh as she hugs me (well more like falls on me) "how much have you had?" She pouts and shrugs at me "Paige was pouring" she comes over an whispers in my ear giggling "I think she tryin to get me drunk" I laugh take a sip of my beer "sure... blame Someone else...speaking of Which, where is she?" She looks around for a moment "THERE SHE IS!!!!"  She points towards the kitchen at Paige like she's a wanted criminal and I laugh giving her a hug. Janet's so funny when she's drunk. "I'm just gonna go say hi" I smile and she gasps then looks at me opens mouthed "YOU WUVS HER!" I shake my head giggling at her reaction "I'm just going congratulate her on the show" she wiggles her eyebrows at me smirking "mmmhm...I wuvs her" she mumbles giggling to herself. I laugh an walk over to Paige.

She's wearing a really short skirt an sitting on the counter talking to her friend. I call her name and she looks over smiling, waving me over. I walk over to the counter an she pulls me in for a hug excitedly "YOU MADE IT!"

"Of course!" I smile hugging her back "I wasn't gonna miss your party" Laurie looks at me frowning folding her arms "our party!" I don't reply to her, because I've just realised that when Paige pulled me in for a hug I've somehow ended up between her legs an she has her arms still around my neck and my hands are still on her waist. We're so close together right now I can actually feel her crotch against mine. I look up biting my lip an she's doing the same thing. As hot as this is right now I can still feel Laurie sending me a death stare for behind me. "Why don't we go upstairs?" I suggest and Paige pulls away a little smirking and I start blushing a little as I realise how creepy that just came out "I meant so I can talk to you" she nods smiling an turns to Laurie "I'm gonna just talk to Michael real quick...back in sec" she holds my hand an leads my upstairs. I turn an smile politely at Laurie but she's still giving me death stares. I don't know why she hates me. I've never really spoken to her, but every time she sees me she looks like she wants to punch me.

I shake it off an follow Paige leading me upstairs. "You wanna talk in my room?" She smiles an I nod following her in

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