Obsession 36

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Paige's POV

It's the final show and I'm absolutely terrified. I've worked so to get this far and now it's finally here!

Michael Walks into the kitchen and kisses my temple standing behind me, then looks down at my full bowl of cereal. "I didn't give that just to stare at it" "I can't eat. my stomachs it knots right now!" He looks at me worried "is there something wrong with baby?" I shake my head an laugh slightly under my breath "the baby's fine. Im just really nervous about tonight" he rolls his eyes wrapping his arms around me an rest his head in my shoulders "baby, how many times? Your gonna win this! Your an amazing singer, amazing dancer, your young, beautiful" he smirks then continues only using a more flirtatious tone "sexy, beautiful eyes, amazing body, great kisser" he starts kissing my neck "stop" I giggle playfully wiggling out of his grip "it's true! Now relax" "but what if I lose? I would have done all this for nothing" he pouts playful "so I'm nothing. I feel so loved right now" I smile giving him a hug "aww baby that's not what meant and you know it" he starts laughing "baby, in 6months you've gotten engaged, moved into a mansion, we have first baby on the way, you had to deal with a stalker AND you did all those things whilst still going to the studio every day and performing in front of a live audience very week!"

Now that he's said it I have done a lot in just 6 months. "Anyway" he disturbs my thoughts "even if you DID lose which you WONT, the winner of the show gets a years contract with Jackson productions and when we get married you'll be a Jackson so part of the company will be yours, so you could just give yourself a contract!" He shrugs smiling putting his arms out to the side. I laugh "but I still wanna win!" He rolls his eyes again "and you WILL! now relax and eat your cereal" I go to speak and he puts his finger on my lips cutting me off  "if you won't eat for me. Then do it for the baby" I pout playfully looking at the bowl "it's gone soggy" Michael smiles then laughs under his breath "then I'll make you some more" he kisses me then goes to make me some more.

Michael POV

LaToya's gonna be the announcing the winner tonight and I can't wait to see Paige's face when she wins. Even if she was gonna lose I wouldn't have mattered because I own part of Jackson productions so once we're married she'll own part of it too. I think it's more of a principle thing for her likes she feels she HAS to win. I do understand her Point of view though. When she first came here she came for one reason and that was to win, her goal wasn't to marry me, or have my baby or a best friend turn about phycho she came to win a competition everything else just fate.

Paige's POV

"Ok everybody it's SHOW TIME!!!" Joseph shouts to us all waiting backstage and my stomach is in knots. This is the night I've been working up to for months. Maya is strutting around the place I don't get how she can be so relaxed right now. "Are you ready?" I hear Michael asks putting his arm around me. I shake my head nervously "Paige your up next" someone shouts motioning his arm to the stage. Michael pulls me in and kisses my temple "good look" I nod and make my way to the stage.

LaToya says my name and as I'm walking across the stage I feel my legs turning to jelly. The lights go down an the spotlight is on me and my stomach is in knots. I don't know what happened but once the music started all of my nerves just went away. I don't know if it's because the light were dim and I could hardly see the fans watching me, but what ever it was it was working. I started singing and the crowd was cheering and the whole thing went great I didn't choke or freeze up, miss a note or forget a single line. When the lights when back up my nerves started kicking in again a little bit not as bad as before. It's now a mix of relief I got through the song and nerves because it now up to the fans to decide.

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