Obsession 44

894 31 2

Michael's POV

I haven't moved from Paige's side, they've hooked her up to all these monitors. Janet called My family and Paige's mother and they all rushed down here. The doctors keep coming in to check on her. They said she had lost a lot of blood and was severely dehydrated. They've manage to stabilise her but she still hasn't woken or even moved.


Jermaine and LaToya walk into the room

"Michael you need to get some rest," he shakes his head but doesn't look up "I'm not leaving until she wakes up" LaToya smiles reaching down "leave it!" Michael snaps  "But Michael..." (He cuts her off) "I said leave it!" Michael snaps again shakily. Jermaine puts his hand on Michael's shoulder "don't you even wanna see?" He shakes his head still looking at Paige "no" LaToya sighs "Michael you have beautiful..." He cuts her off again "I don't need to see it I already know it's beautiful" he tries to fight back the tears "it's apart of her, of course it's gonna be beautiful. And when she wakes up we'll meet it together, just like I told her we would" Jermaine pulls Michael close to him and Michael burst into tears.

Michael's POV

I still haven't let anybody hold the baby yet. I know everybody's getting pissed about it but I don't care! Paige should be the one cradling our child nobody else, she's it's mother. Every now and then a nurse will come by  but I don't look over what she's doing because I don't wanna see it. I told paige the first time we meet our baby we would meet it together.


The family are talking outside the room Maria is arguing with LaToya

"I don't care what he says that's MY grandchild"
"And HE'S the father"
"And what kind of father won't let anybody hold a new born baby that poor child needs cradling and cuddling not being ignored by its own father!"
"The baby is fine"

Randy walks past them both an head towards the door and Maria snaps at him "I wouldn't bother he won't let anybody near the baby" Randy turns and frowns "I'm going to check on Paige...your DAUGHTER? you know the one that almost DIED!" He walks into the room not waiting for a response from Maria

He walks over to Michael "how's she doing?" He shakes his head sobbing. "This is all my fault" Randy shakes his head "none of this is your fault! It's..." He starts sobbing "it's all my fault" Michael turns to him confused "when we were in the garden she said she was thirsty...I was gonna get her some water but then everything happened so fast I completely forgot if I'd have got her some water then she wouldn't have been so dehydrated" he starts crying Michael shakes his head "it's my fault" he's sighs putting his head down "I've been putting something in her drink" Randy looks at him confused "she's been so stressed and scared about the whole Laurie thing and she wasn't sleeping, I hated doing it but it was the only way I could get her to go asleep. She was exhausted" Michael starts sobbing "what exactly did you give her?" "Melatonin but it was only a little bit!" Randy looks at him worried "have you told the doctors about this? They need to know if there's anything like that in her system" he nods staring back at Paige "and what did they say?" "They said it didn't help matters but..." Randy puts his arm around him "so it wasn't your fault, they told you that" he shakes his head "but they said it didn't help! They said all the stress she's been under has sent her blood so high and me drugging her didn't exactly help" Randy pulls him in for a hug "I didn't mean to hurt her" Michael cries

Maria opens the door and Randy shakes his head "not now" she frowns shaking her head then leaves. "Look, Paige is gonna be alright ok?" Michael nods wiping his tears away "Probably best if you keep the whole sleeping pills to yourself, you really don't want Maria coming after you" Michael nods then turns back to Paige.

Randy walks over and smiles at the baby sleeping "don't touch it!" Michael snaps shakily, standing from his chair "I wasn't going to" Randy smiles sympathetically "You still can't look?" Michael shakes his head "I-I can't...." Randy nods hugging him "I understand... You and Paige have been waiting for this moment ...you and Paige need to do this together, just the two of you." Randy smiles and breaks away. Michael nods "thank you for understanding" He starts fighting back his tears. "so...I best leave you guys to have that moment" Michael looks at him confused. Randy is smiling motioning for Michael to turn around. He turns around and sees Paige moving slightly he smiles and sighs in relief running back over to her. Randy smiles leaving the room quietly without saying anything.

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