Obsession 39

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Michael's POV

We open the door everyone's looking at each other kind of awkward. Paige and I aren't really sure what to say so I try and act like nothing happened. "Hey! How's it going" it seemed to work because everybody smiles in a relieved kinda way, like they weren't sure what to say either.

Everybody comes inside an get settled while me and Paige run up stairs to quickly get dressed. "Oh my god! Why does this keep happening?" Paige says burying her face into her hands. "This is the second time my mothers walked in on me, she must think I'm a real slut!" I move her hands from her face "I'm sure she doesn't" "she's caught me in the act twice!!!" I roll my eyes and smile pulling her in "with the SAME person who's the father of your child and your soon to be husband" "true, but it was still embarrassing" I giggle as she starts blushing "embarrassing? How do you think my poor mother feels?" I feel really bad for my mother she honestly had no clue what Was going on, She was still trying to work it out when we left the room.

We get downstairs and Joseph is pouring champagne for everybody. "We thought we stop by and celebrate" Joseph smiles I look a him confused "celebrate what?" LaToya hands me a glass of champagne and an orange juice to Paige "you two" she smiles Randy start sniggering and she turns and throws him a quick death stare once he shuts up she carries on talking "with everything that's been going on we haven't had a chance to really celebrate your engagement or the baby so we figured why not today!" My mother walks over hugging us both "plus we haven't really had a chance to meet Paige's family yet so we thought it would be nice for us all to meet" Paige looks over at Maria (her mother) confused "where's dad?" Maria folds her arms annoyed "well if you'd bothered to call your own mother once in awhile you'd know he left me for a hooters waitress three weeks ago!"

The room goes quiet for a moment after Maria's announcement then Janet finally breaks the silence "soooo, when the big day?"  "We haven't set a date yet" Paige says and starts explaining to Janet and everyone else that she doesn't wanna be heavily pregnant on her wedding day so we're waiting until after the baby's born.

Paige has been getting more paranoid lately because she's getting bigger. I love her growing baby bump. I think it's adorable and I tell her everyday how beautiful she is. There's still like  3 and a half months left until the baby's born and I really don't wanna wait that long. I can't wait another 3/4 months for her to be mine. "We're getting married today!" I quickly cut into the conversation and everyone excluding Paige stops an stares at me confused. I turn to Paige and hold her hands. "Why wait? Let's get married today!" She's about to speak but Janet cuts her off "she told you why" I look back at Paige "we could just go down to the court house right now and do it! Then after the baby arrives we can have the big white wedding you always wanted!" Maria cuts it before giving her a chance to speak "you can't just get married on a whim! These things take months and months of planning, she doesn't even have a dress for gods sake" I roll my eyes as LaToya joins in "but she can have all that after the baby's born" Maria frowns at her "they haven't even begun planning anything, why can't they just wait a year THEN see how they both feel, they might be sick of the sight of each other by then!". I shake my head smiling at Paige "I'll never get sick of Paige" Maria goes to speak again but this time my mother cuts her and everybody else off  "since Paige is the one Michael wants to marry then it should be Paige who give him her answer" we all look at Paige who hasn't been able to get a word in the whole time. I smile taking her hand and bending down on one knee then ask her again "Paige Dawson, will you marry me....today?" She bites her bottom lip thinking, taking in everything everybody has just been saying. She smiles and nod "yes!" I stand up pulling her in tightly everyone starts coming over hugging us and congratulating us.


We're getting ready to head to the court house and all the women in the house have gone completely crazy!. My mother is sobbing and choking up "our baby's getting married" so Joseph is trying to calm her down, he puts his arm around her smiling "I know" and starts trying to lead her out to the car. Janet and LaToya are running around the place excitedly checking nobody has forgot anything. Paige is giggling all excited and Maria is giving Randy a mental list (and possibly a breakdown) of all the things we DON'T have.

We kinda had to team up but we finally manage to get all the women in the cars, all except Maria who's still barking orders at Randy. I rush over to them "Mrs Dawson, Paige is waiting for you in the car" She smiles and starts walking to the car. Randy's stood smirking "what's up with you?" He looks over at Maria "that crazy woman's gonna be your mother in law" I roll my eyes "this isn't a time for jokes Randy we have to go" he starts giggling as Maria pokes her head out of the car window. "And Randy! Don't forget when we get back we'll need music, food and drinks" "yes Mrs Dawson...don't worry about the food" he shouts to her then starts sniggering looking at me "don't!" I frown shaking my head "Michael already ate before we got here!" I don't say anything but punch him in his arm "Ouch!!!" He yelps holding his arm then follows me to the car.

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