Obsession 20

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Paige's POV

I haven't spoken to Michael all weekend. I have to see him today at the studio an I really don't feel ready to see him. Laurie has been questioning me constantly but in don't even know how to begin explaining it to her. I'm still confused about the whole thing myself.

Michael's POV
Paige walks into the studio but doesn't say anything "can we please talk about the baby now?" I ask but She shakes her head "can we just get on with our work?" I nod an smile not wanting to push her "ok..well I think you should do a Ballad his week, I was thinking maybe...." She cuts me off "But I did a slow song last week" I move closer to her an rub her arms gently "I know but...baby you have a condition now an we need to be careful about how much work your doing" she pushes my arms away "because you!" She snaps "I only did it because I love you" I try to explain bit she pushes past me an storms out an I go after her.

Paige's POV

I try an run out of the studio but Michael quickly catches up to me. "Will please stop running away from me, your acting crazy" he says grabbing my hand stopping me in my tracks "I'm acting crazy?" Your the one going round purposely getting people pregnant and..." He cuts me off  "I haven't gone around getting people pregnant, only you...an I already told Why I did it because I love..." I cut him of  "that's crazy! If you love someone you don't sneak around doing what you did trying to change somebody's life without even speaking with them first them about it first then just expecting to be ok with it" he shakes his head at me "I didn't sneak around!, yes I got you pregnant. yes I did it on purpose and yes I didn't tell what was doing but your not exactly an innocent victim in this" I look at him confused as he continues "I didn't force you to tell me you loved me back, I didn't force you have sex with me, I didn't force you to do anything you didn't want to. You did those things yourself and you knew full well I was cumming inside of you but not once did try an stop me. You could have told me not to, you could told me to use a condom, you could have gone on birth control but you didn't!. This is just as much down to you as it is me" I stand looking at him realises he's right. I let this happen. I let him get me pregnant.

I open my mouth to say something but Randy an his mother come walking round the corner looking at us. "Is everything ok sweetheart?" Katherine asks putting her hand my shoulder. I fake a smile an nod "everything fine" she turns to Michael but he does answer. "Maybe we should leave them to it" Randy says sensing the tension between us. Katherine looks at us confused "but I don't understand..why is she so upset with Michael?" Before anyone can answer her I scream an clench my stomach as a sharp shooting pain comes out of nowhere making Michael panic "what's happened?" He asks shakily as they all help sit me down "I don't know" I cry through the pain. "I'm calling and ambulance Randy says getting his phone about of his pocket and starts dialling 911. I look up at Michael who's now crying "Paige... Please tell me you haven't done anything?" I shake my head crying and he puts his arms around me shaking "it's gonna be ok I promise" Katherine looks on worried an still confused not knowing what to say or do

When we get to the hospital they give me something for the pain an start doing tests on me Randy an Katherine our outside in the waiting room. Michael has been pacing the floor in my room waiting for the doctors to come back. "I'm sorry I blamed you for everything" I mumble and he stops pacing an comes over shaking his head "non of this is your fault it's all mine. Your right I shouldn't have just done it I should have spoken to you" he starts stroking the back of my hand quietly. I sit up an pull him in wrapping my arms around him an we both burst into tears

The doctor comes in "I've have good news miss Dawson, all tests came back clear" Michael an I sigh in relief "for her an the baby?" Michael asks and the doctor nods smiling "your blood pressure was extremely high when you got here but alls good now. Tests show your about 5wks , You'll need to keep your stress levels down an make sure you get plenty of rest" we both look at each other smiling and in that moment I completely forget about our fight an all my fear an anger has been taken over by relief an the love I have for Michael and our baby . "Our baby's gonna be ok" I whisper "I love so much" Michael says and kisses me softly then rests his forehead on mine smiling "Thank you doctor" Michael says, the doctor nods smiling and turns to leave

Katherine an Randy walk in as he's about to leave "is she ok?" Katherine ask and the doctor smiles "mother an baby are both absolutely fine" he smiles Then leaves. Randy an Katherine stand confused looking over at us sitting on the bed smiling an hugging, we hadn't even notice them come in the room. Until Randy walks over standing right in front of us "mother and baby?" Randy says confused. "Paige are you?" I smile and nod still looking at Michael "5weeks!" he turns to Michael but before he can ask "it's mine!" Michael smiles kissing me softly. We hear sniffling an all look over an see Katherine smiling getting all choked up in the corner "my baby's having a baby" we look back to each other smiling trying hard not to giggle.

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