Chapter 9

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Quick A/N
From now on I think I'm gonna just write in third person. Okay here's the chapter.

As Percy followed this alien stranger into a random house, he just then realized that he didn't know anything about the three.

"I know nothing of the three of you. At the least give me your names." The two henchmen in the back were the first to respond to Percy's request.

"I am known as Razon." Razon puffed out his chest as he spoke as if his name was supposed to mean something. Percy immediately viewed him as a nobody. The wiser henchman was the next to speak.

"You can call me Senzo." He gave a small bow to Percy. As he observed Senzo, Percy decided that he wasn't really all that smart. He was just smarter than Razon. The skilled leader on the other side of Percy spoke, making Percy turn around and look at him.

"My name is Modon. The three of us are the most skilled in this neighborhood. Therefore we were chosen to protect everyone here. We are this place's guardians. Nothing more, nothing less. But we know of the place where what you desire awaits. So come with me." Percy felt satisfied with what he now knew and continued to follow Modon.

Modon stepped in to one of the nicer looking houses of the development with Percy right behind him. When he entered, Percy was immediately reminded of a horror movie. Instead of a living room, the door opened to a long and dark hallway with a big red door straight down the path. On either side of Percy were many doors that were all closed. After all he had been through, Percy couldn't help but feel a little creeped out by this hallway.

After going past several closed doors, Modon and Percy reached the red door. Razon and Senzo seemed to have suddenly disappeared. Percy looked around, confused as to how they could be behind him one second, and then gone the next.

Seeing Percy look around, Modon explained. "Those two know not to interfere when I make my way to what lies behind this door." Percy nodded, but his confusion was replaced by curiosity. He wondered why Modon was just sitting at the door, instead of twisting the knob. Before the question could escape Percy's lips, Modon once again turned to Percy.

"You probably already figured this out but we attacked you because not anyone can just go around and say they want the the two swords. We had to test you. Beating us, however, doesn't assure your success in wielding these swords. That little test out there hardly compares to what you will now face. Prepare yourself for the worse." Modon  solemnly looked Percy dead in the eyes as he said this. Percy had a feeling that Modon was absolutely right. Something horrible was waiting for him, but he knew that he could face it.

"I'm ready." Percy meant this statement with every fiber of his being. He needed these swords. For about a year he's longed for the swords, imagining them calling out to him. Modon simply nodded and opened the door. Similar to the hallway, the room had a dark, eerie feeling to it. Percy felt that the feeling was a lot stronger here, as if this was where the feeling from the hallway was coming from.

On the other side of the room was what seemed like a portal. It was a really dark, black color, swirling around. The oval shaped portal was about a foot taller than the huge Modon here.

"This portal leads to the Chamber of Alpha. I will warn you now that getting to the other side of this portal is a challenge within itself. Your life is undoubtedly being put in the most danger you've ever experienced. Go now, before we get caught and arrested." Modon put a hand on Percy's shoulder, urging him to go on. But there was something that was holding him back. Percy looked up at Modon.

"Wait, your gonna get arrested if I go, aren't you?"

Modon smiled at the concern in Percy's voice. "Don't worry, boy. If you can come back with the swords in hand, I will not be punished in the slightest." Percy relaxed at these words, but I also realized Modon was counting on him. He held his hand out for the buff warrior to shake.

"I won't let you down, Modon." He took Percy's hand out of gratitude and respect. A second later Modon once again urged Percy on. This time Percy waved goodbye and walked through the portal.

As soon as he stepped in, he became disoriented by being surrounded by the swirling, dark black of the portal. He could see another opening but it was far away. Percy took a step and his foot landed on hard, solid ground. He started to walk at a normal pace and it gradually became easier to move around. "Was this the challenge that Modon warned me about?" Percy thought to himself. That didn't seem too likely. He realized that he now needed to stay on guard at all times or meet his death.

Uncapping Riptide would usually provide some light, but at its current state it gave off no glow at all. "Don't worry, old friend. Once I get my two new swords, I'll get you fixed up and hang you somewhere nice." Percy directed these words towards his sword. This is what he had planned to do after he obtained the Alpha and Omega swords. Those two swords always came first in his priority list.

As soon as Percy was getting completely used to walking in this place, the hard part of going through the portal made an appearance.

All around him bodies started to come out of the darkness. They were all the swirling black of the portal and these bodies didn't have any details or faces. They were just heads, arms, and legs attached by chests, stomachs, hips, and necks. The bodies of darkness were weaponless. Nonetheless, they were coming at Percy in all directions.

"A hurricane would be very handy right now. I wish I brought more bottles." Percy had only brought 10 bottles of water with him, hidden in his cloak. He had already used one of them to heal his wounds back outside so he was now down to 9. He decided to save it for later.

Percy could sense that these guys weren't too weak, but they weren't as strong as Modon. Percy estimated that they had 175% of the skill of Modon's henchman. Their real strength, however, lied in their hundreds of numbers. Percy smirked. Numbers meant nothing to him. He felt that if you don't have the skill, then you simply can't beat him. No matter how many people you had, it wouldn't work on Percy. So he and Riptide went to work.

As the bodies of darkness began to close in on him, Percy held his sword out to his side. He then did a blindingly fast 360 degrees spin. The attack itself took out the first couple dozens of bodies in the front. The shockwaves took out at least a hundred. Percy took pride in this signature move of his. He had been working on it all year and had just recently mastered it. The strength in the swing was provided by the water in the air. It took him a while to learn to control it to such an extent.

The space that was left empty from Percy's attack was replaced seconds later by more and more bodies of darkness. He decided to just take them all out the old fashion way. He went up to the closest one and swung Riptide across his body. It simply just burst into the air, disappearing from sight.

After an hour of hacking away, in which Percy discovered that their weapons were their arms that turned into arcs of darkness once they were swung at you, Percy took down the last of these monsters. He was not tired in the least, in fact he viewed this as a warm up. The adrenaline was rushing all through his body, making him ready for a real fight. Sword drawn, Percy ran straight for the exit, ready for whatever would come his way next.


Heyyyyy guys!!!! So this is the chapter I hoped you liked it. If you did then please vote and feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for reading! Till next chapterrrr!!!

~Percy's Dad

The store ran out of blue food coloring and now my son, Percy is freaking out. He's gonna start a major hurricane if something doesn't happen soon! SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT TO DOOOO!!! X(

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