Chapter 10

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Finally, Percy escaped the whirlpool of darkness and had entered the Chamber of Alpha. No matter how much danger he was supposed to be in, his excitement met its peak at the sight of all of the swords hanging on the walls, surrounding him. They seemed to be old and beat up, however. Except for one sword straight ahead, hanging the highest and most elegant of all.

The blade itself was a simple shining red. The hilt had many jewels encrusted and the weapon itself just radiated beauty. Percy was mesmerized for a moment before snapping back to reality. He had a feeling that he didn't find what he had come for yet. No matter how awesome this sword looked, Percy knew it could not be the sword that had been calling out for him all this time. He immediately viewed this as a test and figured he had passed. So he spoke out loud to see if anything would happen.

"I know that this is not the Alpha sword. Show me what I'm looking for." His voice echoed across the circular room that didn't seem to have any opening except for the portal he had came in. Percy was starting to get frustrated as nothing happened. He was about to say something when the chamber rumbled. A section of the wall disappeared, revealing another part to the chamber. Percy immediately made his way towards it, tired of waiting for his sword.

A thought made Percy stop walking. "I'm gonna have the two greatest swords in the universe and I've never even practiced dual wielding swords before." Percy had one of his mental face-palm moments when he realized this. He decided to practice this style of fighting right now and took the fancy sword off the wall, holding Riptide in his other hand. With that out of the way, Percy made his way to the hidden room that had appeared for him.

It was an exact replica of the room behind him, minus the swords on the walls. Another difference was the man sitting in the middle of the room, a sword lying in his lap. Percy became very alert at the sight of him. His aura was incredibly powerful. It was enough to make Percy intimidated and that's saying a lot. This, however would not tempt Percy in any way. His intentions were the same and it was to get the two swords he came for. The man on the ground grabbed his sword from his lap and stood.

"What have you come here for, child?"

"The swords Alpha and Omega have called out to me for a year now. I am here to answer their calls by wielding the both of them." The man seemed to approve of Percy's honest answer. He held up his sword that was as old as him. Percy couldn't really make out many details of the man, it being pretty dark but his aura told him that he was experienced. His voice had sounded as if it hadn't been used in forever, which was probably true. And as far as Percy could see, he had a decent build for being super old.

Percy held Riptide in front of him, and the sword he had just picked up in back of him. He could sense that this guy was ready to fight, so Percy decided to get serious. Letting all of his restraints go, he would now fight with the intent to kill. When Percy was ready, he lunged at the old man. Riptide was brought down hard, but it was blocked by the old man's sword. The same was done with Percy's other sword, but this time the old man was brought down to one knee by the force of two swords at once against his sword. Taking the advantage, Percy kicked at his opponent's side. This old man was quite skilled, however. Still blocking Percy's swords with his own, he jumped up into the air. This did two things: the old man dodged the kick, and he was able to bring his sword down on Percy who's leg was still in the air. The sword slashed the less defended Percy's right shoulder, leaving a deep wound. Taking advantage of Percy's shock, the old man swung down. This left a cut all the way down Percy's right leg. He was not gonna give Percy any breaks. He swung the flat of the blade right at Percy's head who had gotten down on his knees. This was intended to knock him out, but Percy managed to duck just in time. His counter attack was a swing to the old man's ankles which resulted in wounds in both of the man's feet. This gave Percy the second he needed to back up.

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