Chapter 4

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Percy's POV
"In the crater there were magically engraved words. It said, 'No matter how far you run, your death will always be waiting right next to you.
-Destruction. Annabeth he's not after you. You should be able to go back to camp and be safe if your not with me. He won't use you as bait because he always knows where I am. He can kill me at any time, so he doesn't need any bait. I need you to go ba-

"Wow Percy, your head really is full of seaweed." She stood there with her arms folded as she rolled her eyes at me. "I'm never leaving you. I already told you that it doesn't matter whether I live if you can't live with me. So you can stop trying to get rid of me because I'm staying right here." She glared at me with such intense eyes, that I knew there was no point in arguing. I let her know that I backed down by sighing.

"How could I ever argue with such a pretty face?" She then made a face that wasn't as pretty before pushing me off the boardwalk and into the sand. She stood above and looked down at me.

"So where to now?"

"Well, maybe if you would help me up-
She cut me off by judo-flipping me back onto the boardwalk from the sand. I still ended up on the ground so I wasn't very satisfied. Annabeth didn't seem to care since she started walking. I yelled out to her from the ground. "Where are you going? It would be safer to travel underwater and you can't do that very well with out me!" I waved my hand in the hair gesturing for her to come help me up. Without a word, she stormed back over with purposely heavy footsteps. A second later I felt my arm aggressively being yanked up and then I was on my two feet. Before I could comment on Annabeth's moodiness she kissed me. "Okay, I'll stop being annoying now." I grinned. She always kisses me when I get annoying or when I do something stupid. Kissing me is her most effective way to make me stop. It always works.

Once again Annabeth broke me out of my thoughts. "Lead the way, Aqua Man." That was a new one. I lead the way back to the shore and as we walked, I could already feel the scent of the ocean putting me at ease, physically and emotionally. I was eager to feel the water. I put an air bubble around Annabeth and had a wave throw us in. I picked Annabeth up again as I started to swim farther and farther away from where we came. We encountered some sea life who all gave me the usual greeting, telepathically. They bow and say, "Hello, my lord." I get this special treatment since I'm a son of Poseidon.

When I got tired, instead of risking the encounter of monsters by going onto land, I called my hippocampus (I'm not sure if I spelled that write so excuse me if I didn't). I only called for one since Annabeth would stay in my arms. I re-strengthened her air bubble, just to be safe. Then I laid on the sea creature's back with Annabeth still in my arms and took a nap. By then she had already been asleep.


BAM. I was woken up by a tail that felt like it weighed a couple tons smacking into us and sending us flying. It was a monster attack. The hippocampus immediately ran away. I used my underwater senses to search for the closest shore and there was one about a mile away. I propelled Annabeth up and out of the water and onto the sand where she would be safe. I then uncapped Riptide, but as soon as I turned around to get a good look at what I was dealing with I felt an incredible force slam into me with all its might.

I made the water behind me push me in the opposite direction so I wouldn't fly back. If I wasn't a son of Poseidon, that attack would've killed me. I finally was able to size up my opponent. My first thought was, "This must be one of Destruction's monsters." That was the only explanation. It was easily bigger than an island and it looked like it belonged on land. It was black all over with red stains all over his body. I had a feeling that it was blood. It had four lion legs with a head like a dragon. It's body looked like it was made of some kind of metal. I figured that that's what hit me, before. It's tail looked like it a whole other creature with the way it moved. As I observed all of this, another part of my brain was trying to come up with a plan. After thinking about it, I decided to test out whether it really did belong on land or not.

I brought up the ocean ground around us above the sea level so that we weren't in the ocean any more. And sure enough, the atrocity was standing and breathing in front of me. That's when it decided to lunge at me, mouth wide open.

I brought up the water on either sides of his head. I slammed the water into him with so much force, that even ten hydras would've burst into dust. But the impact barely fazed this guy. The only thing it did was stop him mid-lunge and disorient him, making him roar in agitation. I took that chance to charge in with my sword, going for his nose. I misjudged how disoriented he was because as soon as I got a couple feet away from him, he brought up a leg and clawed at me.

It happened so fast, that I wasn't even able to use the ocean to stop it. Before it hit me, I saw the millions of claws on its paw and knew that the monster won the fight. His paw was about as big as a football stadium, so when he hit me I flew back for who knows how long. By the time I opened my eyes again, I was still flying back fast. The monster was really far away now. My vision was shaded red from the aching pain all over my body. I felt so weak and all I saw was blood flying off of me as I kept on flying back.

"Percy!" A voice below me cried my name out and I realized it was Annabeth. That gave me the will I needed to summon a huge wave that I knew would be just enough to stop the force of that monster's attack. As my back  crashed into the wave there was a loud smack that could probably be heard from miles away. Gravity finally started to take over and I started falling. I had a feeling that I wasn't about to land in the ocean so I summoned some more water at the last minute. It stopped me from landing on the hard sand from maybe a couple hundred feet in the air. As I fell to the ground, Annabeth rushed over to me. I tried to tell her I was fine, but then  everything slowly went dark............


Okay that was chapter 4! I hoped you liked it and since I have not gotten any answers to my question that was previously asked I shall ask it again. What was the last thing Annabeth said to Percy before they fell into Tartarus? Remember, whoever is the first to answer this question right gets to know a major event in this book that may or may not be coming up. Ok so VOTE COMMENT AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS PLEEEEEEASE!!!!!

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