Chapter 15

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Silence. That's all that was heard after the words that seemed to echo across the world. The being in the middle that had spoke these words could sense the feelings of the one watching him. "Destruction. If you'd like to stare at me, then I suggest you face me and have a better view." Silence once again followed the three merged voices.

The atmosphere suddenly became deadly as Destruction stepped into sight and faced the man he had been searching for for a year now. A year filled of killing minions who couldn't do the job for him. A year of fustration and anger, taken  out on so many different planets. A year of trying to completely break out of his prison so he could search for the Man of Prophecy himself, and he had finally done it. Destruction had broken out of that prison that he despised so much. Within seconds of achieving this, his relief soon turned to shock as he witnessed the Man himself fulfill a part of the prophecy. He didn't think that Percy would be able to find the swords for at least a couple of decades. This shock was the reason why Destruction didn't answer Percy's first call.... or what used to be Percy.

The new being looked at Destruction with intense eyes but an expressionless face. He let go of the swords in his hand and let them hang off of his arms for a second. With a flick of his wrists, both blades swung up onto his arms letting the chains wrap around them until they seemed to disappear inside of his arms. When this was done, the chains around his arms clanged against eachother as he sat down cross-legged without ever taking an eye off of Destruction. At the sight of him Percy struggled for dominace in his own body, the familar face being enough to let him be aware of himself. Within seconds Percy was able to speak with his own voice alone.  

"I didn't think...... that it would be so difficult to wield two swords. Nonetheless, I'm alive and in control of my body for now. I did agree in wanting to fight you which is why you heard all three of our voices, but I do not want to do it here. But before we get to that, come sit down." Percy said this in a way that made it sound like a dare. Destruction didn't appreciate the feeling that he wasn't in control here, but he felt that he should sit down and see what he had to say anyway. Reluctantly, Destruction sat in the same position as Percy with his arms resting on his knees.

Percy took a deep breath and observed Destruction with his glowing sea green eyes. He was dressed in his black armor with a same colored sword on his back. The sword was very long and seemingly heavy as it was very wide. The blade was curved up multiple times to make deadly points on the sides that lead up to the tip of the sword. His belt was around his waist still showing images of war, but this time it didn't faze Percy.

"So from what Omega is telling me right now, this prophecy about me states that I defeat you with him and Alpha by my side. What do you have to say about that?" Percy had already began to irritate Destruction with just a few words. Destruction was so close to Percy that it was more than tempting to just turn him to dust with a blink of his eyes. This, however, was not the way he wanted Percy to die. A duel of swords was the only way that Destruction could truly satisfy his own needs. Also, he was pretty sure that trying to turn someone as strong as Percy to dust wouldn't go so well. Destruction leaned forward and honestly answered the question.

"I don't care about damned prophecies. I only care that you put up a good fight before the privilege of destroying your soul is given to me." This made Percy wonder what would happen to his soul if he were to die at Destruction's hands. Surely, it wouldn't go to the underworld. Percy had the feeling that going to Elysium wouldn't be a satisfactory death for Destruction.

They sat in silence for a couple of seconds, one of them trying to make sense of his new form, and one of them wondering what kind of power he was up against. Sounds of chains broke the silence as Percy stood and held his palm upwards. The voices of Omega and Alpha were now in Percy's head, but were mostly silent. The only thing that they wanted to tell him was the prophecy which, like Destruction, Percy didn't care too much about. They wanted him to figure out his powers on his own, without any help from them. Only when Percy mastered his new form would Omega and Alpha become active.

Percy found this annoying. It was by instinct that he knew how to put away his swords, but now he didn't know how to get them back. Alpha and Omega weren't going to be any help in this situation so Percy had ran into a problem. In the end he decided to put faith in his two new companions inside of him. They wouldn't let him die—probably. Percy looked up from his held out hand to see Destruction getting up from the ground.

"Take us away from here. I'm tired of fighting in this tiny place." Destruction had been waiting for this and smiled an evil grin in anticipation of Percy's reaction to the place he was about to take him.

"As you wish, Perseus." The Chamber of Omega disappeared after these words and the two were transported to a place that caught Percy off guard. He looked around and took a step back, wanting to escape this. Destruction laughed, a small distance away, loving every second of Percy's pain. Destruction had taken them to—

HIIIII GUYS. This is the end of the chapter, sadly. By the way, you guys already know where Destruction took Percy. You just don't know that you know......if that makes sense 😂. Anyway, I hope you somewhat enjoyed this kinda boring chapter.

My birthday was a couple days ago and A nice present would be some VOTES.
Thanks for reading, cya next chapter.

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