Chapter 17

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Third Person POV (the flashback has now ended)

Chaos removed his hands from the side of Percy's head after a minute, allowing him to snap back to reality. Percy opened his eyes and muttered,


"Percy, Alpha and Omega were fighting Destruction for you for ten years straight." Chaos's statement hit Percy hard. He took a step back, not knowing how to react at first. Then he exploded,

"Ten years?!"

"Now Percy, cal-

"Why didn't you help?! I needed to go back to that planet and make sure that Modon wasn't punished for his actions, but you're telling me that it's been ten years?!?!? For all I know a war could've went on because of what he did for me, but you just let me pretty much sleep for ten years. I'm leaving, I've got something to do." Chaos was beyond shocked at what was just said to him, the creator of the universe, but he was a laid back, calm guy. It didn't really bother him much, so he let it go and teleported in front of Percy who had just angrily walked towards one of the doors, not knowing where he was going.

"Hey, I'll let you go, but you have no clue where you're going so just give me a second," sighing, Chaos continued since Percy stayed and looked up at him, "You've seemed to already forgotten that I haven't rewarded you in any way. Now, I was gonna give you the power of teleportation before you went off on me." Chaos laughed out this last part with a teasing tone, but Percy didn't seem to be in the mood so he held out his palm, letting out a sea green ball of light. Facing his palm towards Percy's heart, he let the light float into him. When the ball touch his heart, the sea green light of it glowed through his whole body then died down after a second.

Percy could feel that he now had the power to move at the speed of light and was grateful. However, he was still angry at Chaos, so he didn't let his gratitude reveal itself. Concentrating on Planet 709T and Modon, Percy suddenly disappeared with a flash of sea green light.

Shaking his head, Chaos began to walk off to his throne to see how the universe had been doing in his hour long absence. On the way there, he passed by many of the commanders and servants he had recruited over the eons who all greeted him with welcoming bows that Chaos returned with short nods and warm smiles. The smiles made all of the women blush, due to Chaos's good looks and charm. He really did enjoy all of the company in the castle, but for the past 11 years Chaos had deeply missed Percy's presence. He was like a son to him, even though they hadn't talked much before he sent him off on his journey. Now, he felt horrible about not helping out in the fight with Destruction. Chaos was a busy man, and the thought just didn't seem to cross his mind. It was only when Alpha & Omega also went unconscious and there was no one controlling Percy's body that he sensed that he needed help. Hoping the teleportation gift would be enough of an apology, Chaos sighed as he reached the throne room where the universe was waiting for his attention.

Making his way down the long, silk silver carpet, Chaos gazed at the Universal Globe. It was 12 feet tall and 10 feet wide, showing the most important thing happening in the universe at the moment. One could only decipher what the globe showed if they sat on Chaos's throne, so obviously he was the only one to witness what it had to show. Any other being besides Order and Destruction would suffer agonizing pain that would shortly lead to death if they tried to sit on the most powerful throne of the universe.

Chaos sat on his throne with a sigh and viewed the Universal Globe. What he saw shocked him beyond belief. Everything Percy was feeling could be turned upside down by what Chaos was seeing in the globe.

On Planet 709T

Modon's life had done a 360 since everyone witnessed the Man of Prophecy 10 years ago. Back when the sea green light had shown, Modon immediately knew that it was the boy that he guided to the chamber of Alpha. For some reason that he couldn't explain, Modon had a feeling the moment that he laid eyes on Percy, so it  didn't really surprise him to find out that he was the Man of Prophecy. Now, Modon was usually a modest man, but when everybody who knew that he was the one to guide the Man of Prophecy to the swords, he decided to accept the showering of gifts and wealth. It was a good thing that Percy was the Man of Prophecy because if not, he probably would've been executed for letting a stranger take the most powerful swords in the universe. He was now known as a hero of the planet for being such a great help to someone so important. His life was one of the rich, and not one moment passed by that he was indescribably grateful to Percy, whose name was still a mystery to Modon. Every night, he'd always wonder who this boy was, and hoped that one day he would return.


With a quick flash of sea green spotted with red, Percy appeared in the Chamber of Omega. While he did land on Planet 709 T, his intentions were to teleport to Modon. Dissatisfied with his accuracy Percy looked around at the place that he wrecked so long ago. When he thought about it, Percy did have a feeling that he hadn't been here in years. It was really hard for him to get over the fact that he missed ten years of his life over what felt like a nap.

At first, Percy's heartbreak seemed to overcome him, but now he felt nothing at all. What really worried him was the sudden wave of anger that came over him when talking to Chaos. It seemed like something that could prove dangerous later on. Figuring that it would come up again at a later time and he could just worry about it then, Percy began taking steps towards the portal that led out of the chamber.

Suddenly, he froze, remembering what lied in wait behind the swirling darkness of the portal. That was why the portals were dark; because of that horrible beast lurking inside of them. "The Destruction Beast. He's right on the other side of this portal." The fear that Percy expected to fill him didn't, as he still felt nothing at all. Things were different now. Alpha & Omega had used his body to match Destruction's strength, so Percy knew he could take out this monster even though he was sure that Alpha & Omega's skill were beyond his own. Percy still had the two by his sides, and that was enough. Without another thought, Percy stepped through the portal and into a battle that he would never forget.


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