Chapter 14

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Percy looked over at the unconscious Omega and wondered what was going to happen next. The room had become uncomfortably silent, so Percy retrieved his swords from the ground beneath him in case he was attacked.

His suspicions were confirmed when Omega's body suddenly exploded in darkness that swallowed Percy before he could react. He looked around and saw nothing all around him, as if he was blind. Percy felt that he would go insane, but before that could happen, Omega's voice echoed around the room. "My soul has called out to you and  only you for the past year. Find me and answer my call." Seconds after, the darkness was replaced by light, but Percy was no longer in the Chamber of Omega. A tear dropped to the ground as he realized that he had been transported to the throne room of Olympus.

If the thrones hadn't been empty, then Percy might've had a panic attack. At the foot of each throne, however, a sword floated a couple inches off of the ground. The swords all seemed to be very unique in a similar way. They all had a dark glow emphasizing the black blade that was hovering at each 12 thrones. Percy knew that he had to pick the right one, then wield it. His senses were being guided by the souls of the Alpha and Omega swords, who were now calling out to him in unison. He capped Riptide and held out Alpha, letting it choose the right sword. All around him, Percy could feel the Alpha sword rejecting all of the other blades except for one. Alpha called out to this one blade, letting Percy know that the choice had been made.

Percy walked over to Poseidon's throne and held his empty hand out towards the sword at it's foot. "Join us, Omega, and let the three of us become one as this has always been meant to be. I am Perseus Jackson and I shall save you from any other unworthy wielders that might attempt to steal you from your rightful place with me. Let Perseus Jackson, Alpha, and you, Omega become one."  The Alpha sword glowed a bright sea green in Percy's hand, who had his eyes closed letting the power of these swords merge with his own. Seconds later, the sword at the foot of Poseidon's throne glowed a darker sea green, revealing itself as the Omega sword.  It flew into Percy's hand and both swords glowed brighter as the three beings came closer to each other. Percy was now glowing the brightest as he brought the swords together. When the two swords met, an explosion occurred that was heard and seen across the universe. Every existing creature looked up at the same moment, and immediately realized by the sea green light that the Man of Prophecy had risen.

As for the Man himself, Percy was in the middle of an explosion that would have caused instant death to anyone close enough to it. Percy realized this as the final test, for he found his life force slipping away due to the power of the reunion of the Omega and Alpha sword. He knew that all he had to do was last long enough to complete the reunion, but Percy was aware of the fact that he was human. The souls of Alpha and Omega were immortal beings who had lived and fought since the beginning of time. There was a great chance that Percy could die in the middle of this explosion. "I can feel you guys anchoring yourself to my life force, but please, tell me what I need to do to stay alive"  Percy called out to Alpha and Omega searching for an answer to his plead. A moment later, he realized that they couldn't help him anymore; he had to do this last part on his own.
The two swords were taking his life force, so Percy figured that he would give it right to them. Reaching deep down inside himself, Percy poured every ounce of pure power he had into Alpha and Omega. This caused another explosion of equal measure as the last to engulf the replica of the Olympus throne room, creating a tear in the dimension. Percy, however, did not notice any of this, for he could only see the glowing sea green that shown throughout the universe and dimensions. The three souls in the middle of this light were merging, as if they were puzzle pieces that were always meant to be together. The souls seemed to agree that Percy's body would be the best to merge into. The two blades in his hand melted into Percy's arms, and at the same time, he began a transformation.
By now Percy's assassin outfit had been reduced to shredded cloth, his identity completely exposed.  This transformation of his, however, completely changed the person that used to reside in that body. With one last boom, the universe returned to it's previous state and all creatures went back to their normal lives. Percy was transported back to the Chamber of Omega, but he was no longer just Percy Jackson. The transformation had also completely changed his appearance. His hair had grown longer, but was still it's curly, messy self. The muscles all over his body had gained a lot more definition. The clothes he now wore were still black, but it looked like black bandages wrapped around his whole body covering up to his nose. He held a sword in each hand, both being very different from the ones he held moments ago. Both were black and sea green, one having a darker sea green than the other. They both seemed to be alive, as if there were two living beings at Percy's sides. The farthest part of the hilt from the blade was the thinnest until it became just chains wrapped around Percy's arms. This was the same for both swords, for it seemed to symbolize the unbreakable connection between the man and swords. Then there were the eyes of this intimidating warrior. They were a perfect sea green that glowed brightly, but intensely. Percy opened his mouth to speak, and three voices escaped his lips at once: his own,  Alpha's, and Omega's voice.
"Come out of hiding, Destruction. I challenge you to defeat me in battle."
Helllloooooooooo. I finally got a chapter up in a reasonable amount of time. XDAh, man I'm just a mess. Anyway, I know not too much went on in this chapter, but I hoped you enjoyed it nonetheless. Don't forget to vote pleeeease.


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