Chapter 7

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Third Person P.O.V.

All of the gods and campers stared at the spot where Annabeth stood before she walked out of sight. Everyone stood speechless after witnessing the loss of two of the greatest campers in Camp Half-Blood. Poseidon was the first to speak up.

"M-my son. H-he's d-d-dead!" Screaming the last part, the God of the Sea collapsed onto the ground. Tears streamed down his face and soaked the grass beneath him. Athena was the next to say something.

"How could my daughter......This has to be some kind of mistake. Destruction must be playing mind games with us!"

"This was no mind game, Athena. We just sat back and watched as your daughter killed Perseus Jackson." Zeus put his head down in shame. Having the most authority here, he took responsibility for this.

All of Percy and Annabeth's close friends were in tears. No one could move from from the spot they stood at since the bright light came down. Jason knew that he had to step up and be strong for everyone else.

"I know this is hard on everyone but we can't just sit here. Percy would want us to move on and prepare for the next attack. Everyone go to their cabins and rest, but stay alert. All of the cabins' head counselors meet me at the big house. We'll discuss everything there."
Jason's leadership got everyone moving again as the campers exited the woods. The gods teleported to Olympus soon after. Even though everyone had left, grief would always linger at that particular part of the woods.........

Chaos's P.O.V. (This takes place Right before Percy dies)

I watch my screen in my Chaos silver table with increasing interest as I see Percy and Annabeth rush off into battle. With Percy's new powers that he had just awoken after his fight with the Destruction Beast, I was excited to see the soon to be Prince of the Universe in action. Those powers were what saved his life back on the beach and healed him.

A feeling of dread overcame me as Annabeth unsheathed her knife and stabbed Percy in the heart. Oh Destruction what have you done?!! I was frozen in horror, staring down at my table. Coming back to my senses a minute later, I realized that I needed to get down there.

With a quick flash of light I picked up Percy's body and whisked off the planet. I returned to my throne room seconds later and summoned a bed. After placing Percy on the bed, I began to look into his heart. There was a thin, long hole in the dead center of it. By shrinking the heart, it was possible to make the two sides of the hole come together. There was no other option so this had to be done.

With my powers the hole in the heart closed, almost unnoticeably shrinking Percy's heart in the process. With just a thought, his bones and other injured parts were healed. I fell back into my throne in relief and laughed out of happiness.

Regaining my composure, I stood up and placed a finger on Percy's chest and started his heart at a normal beat.
I also filled him with the energy he needed to wake up. After about half an hour, the hero's eyes opened.


One Year Later

Percy's P.O.V.

I finally had a lead on which planet the two legendary swords Alpha and Omega were on. Pretty soon I would be wielding the two most powerful blades in the universe. Then Chaos would finally train me. I still remember his exact words about a year ago.

"You need to prove yourself before I can train you to be the prince of the universe." So he sent me to find and wield these two swords.

He also tried to talk to me about what happened back on Earth. I always avoided the subject and pushed it out of my thoughts because it brought up too much pain. Once again I pushed the memories away before the tears threatened to fall. Flying your spaceship through space can sure leave you lost in thought.

I was getting impatient, wanting to hurry up and get to Planet 709T where Alpha and Omega were waiting for me. A couple minutes later I could finally see my destination. After another five minutes, I landed on flat, hard ground and eagerly jumped out of my ship. I tapped the ship in a certain spot and it shrunk into a tiny toy smaller than my finger so it couldn't be stolen.

I looked around and saw thousands of cuts all over the ground, some small and some huge. It was obvious that a lot of people tested out swords here and had been doing so for a long time. Far into the distance I saw small, crudely built buildings that couldn't have taken much time and effort to make. I began to sprint in that direction, going fast enough to leave a trail of smoke behind me.

My speed decreased to a walk when I arrived at the buildings. Behind them stood rows of more buildings built in the same fashion. It seemed to be some sort of neighborhood, but there was no one around to talk to. I wondered why the place looked so empty if it was a neighborhood. Then it suddenly occurred to me that the people who lived here might've saw a scary looking guy running towards them and decided to run or hide. That wouldn't really surprise me. My whole body was completely built and I was wearing a black hood attached to a black cloak that I wore over my black t-shirt and black pants...... Basically I was wearing all black.

I threw my hood back and called out. "Hello? I'm new to this planet and I have some questions. I don't mean anyone here any harm." As I said this I walked around, searching for a face that I could direct my words to. All of a sudden there was a prickly feeling on the back of my neck as if someone was behind me. I turned around to see three swords being pointed at me.

"You are not welcome here, alien! Leave this planet at once or there will be consequences!" The person who had spoke was the wielder of the sword in the middle. He seemed to have the best sword out of the group. It gave off a bright glow and it was a couple of inches longer than the rest of the weapons. Other than that, the swords seemed pretty boring with no detail. I wondered what the secret behind these blades were. No matter how they looked I couldn't let my guard down. There was a reason that this planet was known for it's blades and I had a feeling that I'd find out pretty soon.

"I need some answers, that's all. Please just put your weapons down and we can talk about this, alright?" They all just stared at me as if deciding whether to listen or not. They were pretty intimidating being at least seven feet tall and as buff as the hulk. Other than that their features seemed similar to humans'.

"You may ask your questions but these swords will remain pointed at you." The one on the left said this in a wise, deep voice. He seemed to be the smartest of the group even though the guy in the middle seemed to be the leader. I decided to get to the point.

"Thank you, sir. I don't know how you'll react to this, but I'm here for the swords Alpha and Omega. I need to know where to find them." At first they had shock written all over their faces, but that soon turned into anger as they all backed up a couple feet and then charged me. The two people on the side sliced across my chest leaving an X that soon starting dripping blood. The middle one swung at my legs with blinding speed and I was on the ground.

I had only been on this planet for twenty minutes and I'm already on the ground, surrounded by three deadly warriors, and laying in my own puddle of blood.......


Well I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Votes and comments would be nice!!! Cya next chapter!

-Percy's real Dad

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