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"Lyla's POV"

I was in the VR deck, learning how to use my father's omni wrench. When Jinx and I came here we we're impressed with the star ship Phoenix
and everything in it, especially with the VG 90000. I started to recall the memory
Once we entered, Kaiko surried right out of Aphelion while Clank hovered out. I was gonna jump off until a voice called me,"need a hand?" I turn to see Ratchet standing in front of me with a smirk on his face. I smirked back at him and placed my hands on his shoulders while he places his hands on my waist and I jump off though I nearly bumped into him. I open my eyes to see Ratchet's smirk get bigger,"thanks" I said as I removed my hands from his shoulders while he removed his hands from my waist,"no problem" he told me as he walked away, he looked so handsome in his nebulox armor and those green eyes...sigh...they make smile...WAIT! What I'm saying?! I quickly shoved my thoughts away and walked towards Ratchet. "Your gonna love the Phoenix, it has a lot of cool stuff here" Ratchet told us and I just placed my hand on my hips waiting,"the Phoenix has some rooms for the members,there is a training arena,a sauna, cafeteria with a buffet and meatloaf Tuesdays, armor and weapon vendor" Clank told us and Kaiko seemed impress a lot but I let a yawn cause I was only interested in the training arena."We also have a VG 90000" Ratchet told me and it caught my interest,"VG 9000?! Your kidding?
I asked him cause that's the most coolest game console in the galaxy! "I'm not joking, we have it." He told me and that had my interest, maybe you and I can use it sometime" I told him."Your on" he said as he raised his fist with a determine smirk but Clank suggested we get our rooms first. I turned around to see Ratchet smiling at me and I return a smile back before turning away.
End of flashback
"Having trouble?" I was out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice and turn to see Ratchet leaning on the wall. He was wearing an orange,red and black pilot suit,it was short-sleeved so I could see three of his brown stripes and he wore long brown gloves along with brown hover boots." Well I'm having trouble to use the energy blasts" I told him as he walked to my direction, "here let me" I blush when he placed his hands on my omni wrench that our arms were touching,"See, you hold it like, lift your arm a bit" he told me as I lift it up. Once he told me to swing a blue energy blast shot out and hit a test dummy, I looked at it with surprise and excitement on my face. "Thanks" Ratchet then placed his arms again only this time he was making me hold it sideways like a blaster,"I added an upgrade to it" he told me as he gently grabbed my hand and move it to the blue jewel on the upper wrench and gently place my hand,"Try it" he whispered as I felt his warm breath on my neck. I press it and it shot a bigger energy blast much to my surprise,"Wow" I said and Ratchet chuckled but he didn't really move from me," I knew you like it" he told me as I gave him a smile."hey dudes we have some sorta distress signal,might wanna check it out" we overhead that computer and I started putting my omni wrench away as soon as Ratchet moved away from me,"lets go check it out,whoever send it might need help" Ratchet told me. I nodded and we ran quickly to see what was going on.

Ratchet and Clank: Return of Nefarious - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now