Chapter 2: A new friend

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"Lyra's POV"

That voice was familiar but were have I heard it? Anyway once we landed on planet Berbil and it look like desert but there were some plants and old buildings and it look like there were some vullards. "I'm really sorry I couldn't come and help Lyra" I overheard Neftin from Jinx's holo-computer, he was now part of the Defense Force but he kept contact with us in case anything happen cause he was busy,"its fine Nef but I let you know if anything happens" I told him as I got to the boys,I notice Qwark's ship and that would mean he's here."Perhaps if we split up we might find this person the cloaked figure is looking for much faster" I overheard Clank and we agree,"I'm taking Clank! I have some questions to ask him" Qwark yelled as he grabbed Clank and ran off,"well that was weird,come on! Let's get searching!" I overheard Jinx yell as he ran off. We ran to catch up with him
"Ratchet's POV

Well we manage to find Jinx and we decided to keep looking,"so...let me get this straight,Qwark is trying to become president again?" Lyra asked me cause I told her once that Qwark might've taken Clank for some useful advice. "Yep" I said but I doubt Qwark will succeed,"well that explains it" she told me as she walked further from me,"so...any chance your looking for a fighting partner?" I told her as she rolled her eyes and shook her head,"Hey guys! I think I found something" we overheard Jinx yell and we follow him. We spotted a girl surrounded by some robots and they were Nefarious's,"I'm not afraid of you" we overheard her yell and Lyra threw her omni wrench at both the robots,knocking them out and coming back to her."Nice shot" I complimented as she smiled at me.
"Lyra's POV"

I blushed at Ratchet's comment,"wow that was amazing!" The girl ran towards us and that's when I noticed she was a nether,she looked like she reached about Vendra's waist and she had no line mark on her eye like the twins,she wore a yellow short-sleeved with red lines on the sleeves that seemed too big for her,baggy light green pants and black flats with bows. She wore gray and blue bracelets on both her hands,a black necklace with a red jewel on it and short black hair that has orange in the bottom and little gray wings. This must be the assistant the hologram told us about" Jinx told and I had to agree,"Kitty!" We jumped in surprise when she yelled and grabbed Jinx hugging him really tight,"aah...can't...breath" he kept gasping and we had to do something."hey little girl I'm Ratchet and this is Lyra,can you tell us your name" I heard Ratchet ask,"I'm Kiko Prog" she said excited as she dropped Jinx who stayed on the ground trying to catch his breath but I became shocked when hearing the word Prog.
"Ratchet's POV"

"wait do you know anyone name Neftin and Vendra?" I questioned Kiko,"yep there my older siblings but I never meant them,anyway I'll take you to Kad,he's the one from the hologram" Kiko told us as she started to float.
12 mins
We manage to find Clank and Qwark and we were in some old laboratory that glowed neon blue,"Zo-Zo look who I found" we heard Kiko call as she floated upside down,"finally" we heard a voice and we surprise to see a zoni but he looked different. He wore an aqua green metallic suit that had a hood and his antennas were straight,he was bare foot and he had a mouth and his hands had circular aqua symbols on them and he seemed like he was kid too. "I'm sure Kad will be very pleased" he said as he floated to us,"you are a zoni...but what are you doing here?" I overheard Clank and we wondering the same thing with Kiko,"we were both taken in by Kad and he really needs your help" Kiko told us as she floated near him."And we need to talk" we overheard another voice but to all our shock accept Kiko and Zo-Zo the voice came father Kaden?!

Ratchet and Clank: Return of Nefarious - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now