Chapter 6: Reunion and Escape

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"Lyra's POV"

Even though we were walking,I still kept my eyes on that thing...I have no idea what it is! She had orange fur with yellow on her chest,short red hair with sand ring marks on the locks and upper hair,big cat ears,a red bushy tail with odd markings and wore a silver chain on her right paw along with a red scarf around the neck and was small. "By the,you need it" she told me as she floated again and handed me a colorful crystal,she seemed nice but I was worried for Sapphire...and my team.
"Kiko's POV"

We manage to defeat that Nex and he seemed really tired,"alright weasel were is Lyra and Angela?!" My brother Zo-Zo questioned as he raised his fists. Like I'll tell you anything" he told us but then he jumped over us and headed towards a teleporter."Later!" He told us before he went in,"aw man,come on we need to find the others" I told Zo-Zo before we left
"Clank's POV"

I must admit that female robot is quite fast however she doesn't seem to know her way around the base cause in secs we trapped her near a closed door,"we don't want to hurt you but do you know anyone name Angela Cross or Lyra Azimuth?" Kaden question that robot but before she could answer the door behind her broke and two figures were standing,it was a cat like creature and...Miss Azimuth?!
"Lyra's POV"

"Oops,this isn't the cell but I did manage to get you to your friends" that cat told me,I noticed that girl robot and she went into that teleporter."sorry Ly-Ly but I've gotta get Sapphire and Angela but don't feel sad...cause I won't be away long.Hee hee"she told me before she went into the teleporter.
"Ratchet's POV"

"Lyra your okay!" I told her, glad that I found her and she's okay,"Lyie!" Jinx yelled as he jumped on her and hugged her waist,"nice to see you too she told me and she smiled at me."Kaden!" We got startled as we saw Kiko and Zo-Zo coming towards us,"That Nex guy got away" Zo-Zo told us and we knew that we had to get out of here. We ran to get back to the Phoenix.
"Sapphire's POV"

"Face it you can't beat me!" Rianna yelled at me but I refuses to back down,"I can beat you and I will" I told her as I lunged forward knocking one of her blasters with my omni sword."Ri! They got away!" I overheard Nex as he came out of the teleporter,she had a look of anger that change to an evil smile and zapped me with her powers. I fell to the ground trying to breath and she walk up to me but before she could do anything else a large hand grabbed her and shoved her on the walled,knocking her out."Took ya long enough" I teased Twirla who had a playful smirk,"come on we've got Angela so let's get out of here" she told me and we jumped in the teleporter
"Nex's POV"

"Ah! They got away! I yelled because we failed the mission,Nefarious is not gonna like this. I was startled when I heard Ria laughing evil-like and I did not like that,"oh they'll come back and when they do they won't be so lucky" she told me as she walked away,I'm starting to get worried. "Oh boy" I told myself before I left to find my sister.

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