Chapter 1: Distress signal

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"Ratchet's POV"

I noticed Clank and Kaiko had got to the bridge first,Kaiko wore a blue short-sleeved shirt with a green paw print zipper, light brown pants,nav-unit belt,purple fingerless gloves witha paw prints on the palms,red backpack  and his goggles around his waist. A hologram started to appear but we couldn't tell what he look like since the guy is just wearing a cloak and mask but something didn't feel right.
"Clank's POV"

"So you're Q-force? Pardon me if I'm bothering you but I'm looking for someone and he's in your team" the mysterious figure told us just before  Qwark came running in,he got in front of us all still wearing that pink robe of his while trying to look heroic."looking for someone eh? Well if you happen to be looking for Captain Qwark you just found him. So what can I do for you citizen?" Qwark asked and I noticed Kaiko placed his paws on his ears while Ratchet had his hand on his face and Lyla just rolled her eyes,"Sorry Captain but I have no interest in you. My interest is in this so called Ratchet" the figure told us and we all looked at Ratchet and he seemed really surprise.
"Ratchet's POV"

Why would this guy want me? I don't even know him! But there was something familiar in his voice and I had no clue why,"So your Ratchet? And you along with Lyla Azimuth are lombaxes? Interesting" I noticed Lyla was surprise when he said her name, I looked at Clank and he just shrug his shoulders before turning to the figure again."I have a mission for you, I found a villain you might've faced before. His name is Dr. Nefarious" the figure told me and we were surprise,"Nefarious?! You know him?" I questioned the guy and turn to Lyla and Kaiko who were looking at me with concern,when they first joined I told them about Nefarious and other bad guys Clank and I face but I then focus my thoughts on the figure."Yes. I've been stealing and tampering with things that are involved in his plans but first I want you to find my friend in planet Berbil, once you find her come and meet me" he told me as he showed a picture of a yellow and blue planet."Who are you?" I asked cause I would like to know who he is,"someone that you knew before,someone who's been searching for you for eons and someone who's your familiar with" he told me before the hologram vanished. "Finally! A mission, let's go!" I overheard Kaiko yell and ran to the ship while Clank told me he'll download coordinates before leaving,"I'll meet you guys soon" Qwark said before running off but Lyla walked up to me with a look of concern,"Ratchet that guy sounds familiar his voice it's...I've heard somewhere just I can't remember where?" She asked me as she slowly placed her fingers on the blue jewel on her locket " That makes two of us Ly. Come on we better get going" I told her and she nodded before we both ran to the ship. But I had one question in my head: Who the heck is that guy?

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