Chapter 3: Kaden's return

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"Ratchet's POV"

I can't believe that guy was my father! But Tachyon said he killed him so how is he here?
"Lyra's POV"

I can't believe Kaden is still alive,he was wearing a purple shirt(similar to his red one),his gloves were different and so was his hoverboots. I looked at Ratchet and I wondered what he was thinking. "I see you manage to find me" I looked up to see Kaden coming down from the main control computer,"Kiko you did a great job bringing them" he told Kiko and I started to wonder if he knew who we are.
"Ratchet's POV"

"So your the cloaked the figure from the hologram?" I asked and I wonder if he's knows I'm his son,"yes and I need help from you and your team,after all there's not one villain who could take down my own son" he told us as he got down and I got surprise that he know who I was."Wait Kaden you know that Ratchet is your son?" Lyra asked sounding surprise,"yes and I know that your my friend's daughter and I'm glad both of you made it" he told us but the ground started rumbling and we went outside to see this big ship,"Lyra wait!" I quickly grabbed her from shooting that thing and something told me it was Nefarious.
"Lyra's POV"

We went in a cave that Kaden,Kiko and Zo-Zo sleep in,"after I battle Tacyhon I was knocked unconscious but that cragmite believe I was dead and left." Kaden was telling us he survived,I was sitting next to Ratchet which kinda made me blush but I tried to ignore it."That ship has the universe's most dangerous beasts and he's hired two criminals to make it easy" he told us,"so who are the criminals that Dr. Nefarious hired?" I overheard Clank questioned and we started to wonder the same thing.
"Ratchet's POV"

"hmm I don't know but I have stealing items from his base,I have a teleporter that can take us there though I have found out about someone named Angela Cross who could be of help but now that your here" Kaden told us as he turn to face me and I was surprise to hear Angela's name,"Whoa look I'm not getting involve in this" I told my father because I just can't lose anyone on my team."But your Ratchet the galactic hero,you save the whole galaxy from bad guys like my older siblings." I looked at Kiko who seem desperate,"listen Kiko I love to help you and Zo-Zo but I just found out that my father is alive,I promise I'll notify the Defense Force" I told her but I was grabbed by the arm by my own father,"I couldn't go and look for you because of Kiko and Zo-Zo. I'm afraid that they had rough pasts that almost brought them to dark side,like you Ratchet they are orphans" he told as Kiko scooted closer to Clank who looked up to me with a look of sadness,I turn to see Lyra looking at me and I can tell she wanted to help."Alright so were do we find Nefarious's base?" I asked my father and he seem pleased. "This teleporter will take us to the base and while we're there we must find Angela,she might know what's going on" Kaden told us as he went and download the coordinates,"you guys ready?" I asked as Lyra walked up to me,"Lets do this" she told me with a look of determination. As soon as the teleporter is open we went in.

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