Chapter 15: Trust

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"Kiko's POV"

I kept my eyes on those two smugglers,no one trusted them mostly because they work for that robot meanie who took Kad. We founded some lab with a big funny looking machine,"Woah what is it?!" Ratchet asked all excited like.
"Third Person's POV"

"Scanning.Scanning.This machine is to detect and capture large creatures design by Nefarious himself" Texty told everyone as the blue scan from her palms vanish, we heard some loud roar which shook the place and Nex was near the edge and fell but Twirla and Jinx caught his tail."Help!Help!Someone help us pull him up!" Jinx called out as Ratchet and Clank quickly helped pull the osttel up,"Thanks" Nex moaned as he felt something painful on his head which was a purple bruise,"You have a bruise on your forehead Nex it must've happen when you fell here" Texty placed her hand on his forehead and healed it,"Thanks""your welcome" Texty told him before revealing to everyone that she downloaded a map that shows were Nefarious is.
"Rianna's POV"

I started to think about what Twirla,Jinx and Texty did for Nex but I don't understand...we tried to destroy them yet they save us and help us,why?"Hey Jinx thanks for saving me back there you too Twirl" My ears perked up at hearing Nex thanking the cat and frosey he was smiling,"Hey Azimuth anyone ever told you it's not nice to let pets out near strangers?" I teased Azimuth as she turn around with a glare,"Jinx is not a pet!He's my friend and brother!" She yelled at me as Ratchet and Sapphire held her back but I was surprise when she said Jinx was her brother...just like how Nex is my brother.
"Ratchet's POV"

This isn't going well,Nex trusts us but Rianna is making things worse,"Really the lombax who's related to the general who was responsible for the destruction in Fastoon and their entire race leaving to a unknown location has a cat as a brother?" Rianna taunted and I notice Lyra angry features soften and she looked unsure yet Rianna did it."Hey some of my friends make mistakes too that can't be fix but just because you can say anything you want doesn't mean it's my going to hurt others so stop making my friends feel bad and help us take down Nefarious!" I yelled to her and everyone even the nethax flinched,"Now come on we need my father and take down Nefarious" I told everyone as we all followed the map again,"Ratchet..." I stopped at my tracks as Lyra walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder,"Thanks""No problem anything you" I realized what I said and laughed nervously but I didn't expect her to kiss my cheek before she walked away,I smiled at this before joining the others.
"Clank's POV"

"How much longer?" Jinx and Nex asked us they leaned on Rianna and Lyra's shoulders,"we must be closer" I told them but I bumped into Texty as she stopped,"Sorry""No worries but the door is locked" she told us as we notice a big huge door in the way. Ratchet and Lyra attempted to hit through with their omni wrenches while Twirla,Jinx and Nex used their claws,Sapphire and Angela tried to help too so did Kiko and Zo-Zo even Pro-Pro but nothing."Hey why need to hit we can go through here?" We all turned towards Rianna as she used a energy blast from her hands and destroy a bars that blocked a sewer path,"Thank you Miss Thorn" I told her as we all went in.
"Ratchet's POV"

"Everyone keep a lookout incase Nefarious shows up" I whispered and everyone nodded,I kept thinking about what the Plumber said something about a purple canister,"Hey Hero Boy everything ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Lyra caught up with me,"Yeah it's just i'm thinking what the Plumber said""Yeah me too" we all came out to a larger laboratory with some creatures in cages,"Just in time I was worried you wouldn't make it to witness my greatest plan" we all looked up to see the person we've been looking for...Nefarious let's do this!

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