Chapter 16: Q-Force vs Nefarious

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"Third Person's POV"

Nefarious was in a huge robot(similar to the one from movie game) and Kaden was in a cage staring at everyone,"Ratchet get out of here right now!""I'm not leaving you Kaden!" Ratchet yelled out as everyone got weapons out to fight,"How sweet the hero comes to save his daddy" Nefarious teased before laughing madly and got his robot ready to fight.
"Ratchet's POV"

He slammed a huge claw arm at us and everyone of us scattered,I his behind a glass cell but I notice a purple canister inside Nefarious's robot and I started to remember something..."I would place that omni wrench in the purple canister" that's what the Plumber told me,"Purple canister?" My eyes widen in realization that the purple canister must power Nefarious's robot."Lawrence unleash the beasts!HAHAHA!" I backed away from the cell after seeing the large creatures get released.
"Lyra's POV"

"Qwark! Would you quit running and help us!" I snapped before sending a blast at nod creature,"LOOK OUT!" I turned around to see one beast about bite but Twirla grabbed me and Texty killed it with slowdown time powers and then blasting it."Thanks Twirla""No prob" I looked around to find Ratchet fighting Nefarious,"Ratchet!"Clank,me,Jinx,Twirla and Texty called out."Everyone attack Nefarious get the purple canister out!" He ordered and everyone of us nodded and charged.
"Ratchet's POV"

Me and my team finally defeated Nefarious and Angela helped Kaden get out of his cell,"Ratchet I clearly said to leave me" the General told me firmly before putting a hand on my shoulder,"Yet I'm proud of you and your team" he told me before hugging me I froze at first but I returned the hug. I went over the broken robot Nefarious used and took out the purple canister with my omni wrench,"Ratchet look out!" My pal Clank yelled and I turn around to see Nefarious about to grab me but someone pushed me out of the way,"LYRA!" I yelled at seeing Nefraious's clawed hand on Lyra's fragile neck."Well isn't this sweet? Azimuth's daughter willing to risk her life for the hero how weak" he taunted her but I glared at seeing Lyra struggle to get his claws of her throat,everyone one of us threaten him and we were going to attack."Any closer and I'll end the girl!" I stopped at my tracks knowing one snap can take Lyra's life away,"Let her go Nefarious!" I said aggressively but Clank reminded me of the harm Nefarious could cause to Ly."How about we strike a bargain the canister for the girl what do you say?" He told as he held her far from him and I saw she needed air,I stared at the canister then back at Lyra...what do I do?
"Rianna's POV"

I couldn't take it anymore,I realized Ratchet doesn't want to see Lyra in pain but surrendering the purple canister means everything starts over...enough is enough. I quickly turn my hover boots on and jumped high enough to throw an energy blast at Nefarious,it hit his arm and he let go of Lyra Kaden caught her before she could hit the floor. Nefarious's robot started acting strange and it hit the controls,"Warning laboratory shall self destruct in 23 hours" the computer told us and we all ran to the newest exit.
"Kaden's POV"

"Everyone take cover!" I called out before getting behind a rock,our ships were outside and we all got ready for the explosion. "BOOM!" I lost balance and fell on the ground,"You might've win this time" I looked up to see Nefarious,his arm spat sparks out and he was standing on a smaller ship with Lawrence controlling it."But I will be back and I'll crush everything single one of you!" He yelled and laugh manically but I had my blaster out and shot the engines,the ship started I shake a little and the two robots were struggling to get away without crashing,"Hey Nefarious this is Shamo!" We all looked at Twirla she threw a fireball at him and they fell."Nice shot Twirl" I chuckled at what my son said...he's just like me.

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